How To Grow The Golden Plum Of The Tropics

How To Grow The Golden Plum Of The Tropics
How To Grow The Golden Plum Of The Tropics

Ikako, aka golden plum, aka coconut plum, is a compact tree with a dense crown. More often it is even called a bush, because its height does not exceed one meter.

How to grow the golden plum of the tropics
How to grow the golden plum of the tropics

Growing conditions of ikako

Ikako belongs to the chrysobalanaceae family. The natural habitat for the golden plum is the coastal regions of tropical America. Also, coconut plum is cultivated in the coastal areas of Africa. Plants of the chrysobalanaceae family are able to inhabit any territory. They grow in damp forests, marshy lowlands, dry woodlands and even savannas prone to frequent fires. Due to creeping underground roots that extract moisture from the deepest layers of the soil, these trees are able to withstand prolonged drought. Ikako belongs to a very thermophilic plant, it dies even with slight frosts. The main feature of the golden plum, its dignity, is that the plant is completely undemanding to soils. It is resistant to soil salinity, so it is often used for soil protection in coastal areas.

Fruiting golden plum

The golden plum is widely known for its fruits, collected in clusters, they ripen by the end of the summer season. They resemble a plum in their size, shape and appearance. The color of the fruit of the coconut plum can go from pale pink to bright red and almost black. The taste of the berries is sour-sweet with a slight astringency. The whitish-yellow flesh is rather difficult to separate from the large stone inside the fruit. Usually the fruit of the golden plum is eaten fresh. Although often delicious jams, preserves and aromatic jellies are prepared from them. In ancient times, the American aborigines used the pulp of the fruit of the coconut plum as a natural color for black, and squeezed oil from the seeds.

Useful properties of ikako

Gold plum and all products obtained from its processing have a mild laxative effect. This beneficial quality of ikako is especially appreciated when used to solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the fruits of the golden plum remove harmful cholesterol from the body. These fruits are extremely useful for hypertension and kidney diseases. They normalize water exchange in the body and have a diuretic effect.

Reproduction of coconut plum

The coconut plum is propagated by seeds. Their main carriers are large birds. Some mammals, such as wild boars and elephants, also eat ikako fruits. Also, seeds are often spread throughout the area using water. The fruits of the golden plum can be in water for long months without losing their germination.
