The ring as such is a symbol not only in a dream, but also in reality. However, numerous dream books and those who know how to interpret dreams claim that rings carry a lot of information to those who have been able to see and remember them in a dream.

A gift of fate
Finding a beautiful whole ring in a dream is a real gift of fate, says the dream book. Such dreams, as a rule, are an omen of well-being, success, gifts that fate will soon give you. If in a dream you see several rings on your fingers, it means that all your plans are being implemented, you can not be afraid of negative consequences and begin to implement serious planned plans, regardless of whether you wear the rings yourself or observe them in other people. If the gold ring was scratched or damaged, this is a faithful herald of treason or the loss of a loved one.
Since ancient times, the ring is a symbol of love, fidelity and devotion, personifies romantic relationships, deep affection, unity. To put on a ring means to find love and prosperity, to remove it means to undergo betrayal, betrayal by loved ones, imminent misfortunes or partings. If in a dream you see your beloved giving you a wedding ring - wait for a quick waking engagement, if in a dream you put on an accepted ring, then your plans and dreams will soon come true.
A simple metal ring means hard work and quick work that you have to do, an expensive beautiful ring means success in business and good health.
The golden ring is a symbol of good family happiness. If in a dream you are looking for a long time, picking up, but cannot choose the jewelry you like, then in reality you are subject to contradictions, you cannot accept or find your true chosen one. If in a dream you try, but cannot remove the ring, it means that bondage weighs you down, restriction of your freedoms and interests.
Rings and stones
Finding a ring means, finally, to find a close and dear person you have long dreamed of. A ring with a stone, as a rule, means the approach of some important life events, new acquaintances or the achievement of goals and the implementation of plans.
A ring can also mean a quick addition to the family.
A gold ring with a diamond foreshadows a connection with the person who gave you this ring; wearing such an adornment means changing your life for the better, gaining universal respect, luck and luck.
If in a dream you lost a diamond, wait for parting with a loved one, if the stone still managed to be inserted or attached back, it means that unfavorable events can be reversed, trust restored, and relations restored.