How To Choose And Plant A Indoor Gerbera

How To Choose And Plant A Indoor Gerbera
How To Choose And Plant A Indoor Gerbera

Gerbera is a perennial plant that belongs to the Aster family. Gerbera flower stalks are single, the leaves are collected in a rosette, the flowers resemble large daisies in shape.

How to choose and plant a indoor gerbera
How to choose and plant a indoor gerbera

How to choose a room gerbera

When choosing a gerbera, pay attention to the shape and color of the leaves and shoots of the plant. They must be even, regular in shape, and also have a uniform color.

It is advisable to buy a young plant, as it will adapt to new conditions much faster.

Do not buy a gerbera that stood close to a window or door, as there are constant temperature changes in these places, which can later affect the condition of the flower.

How to plant a gerbera

For your gerbera to grow and bloom well, prepare the right soil for it. To do this, take peat, leafy soil and sand in equal proportions. Put expanded clay or broken shards at the bottom of the pot, add soil on top. Now you can plant a plant in it, trying not to deepen the leaf outlet and making sure that no earth gets into it. Otherwise, the gerbera can rot.

How to propagate a gerbera

Over time, at home, gerbera can grow into several bushes. In this case, it is advisable to plant it in several pots, while each bush should have several new growth points.

For reproduction in this way, it is necessary to use a plant for 3-4 years. Gerbera fully takes root within six months and begins to bloom approximately 10 months after planting.

You can use seeds to propagate a flower. To do this, first they need to germinate into seedlings, then dive after the formation of 2-3 leaves. After the leaves begin to dive 4-5 again, this time into the prepared pots.

How to care for a plant

At different times of its development, gerbera needs feeding with certain nutrients. During the growth of green mass, it should be fed with complex fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. Prepare a weakly concentrated solution, otherwise you can harm the flower.

During the flowering period, the gerbera should be watered 2-3 times with a weak potassium solution. Such feeding will make the plant stronger and will have a positive effect on the quantity and beauty of flowers.

When caring for a gerbera, remember that it should not be heavily flooded. Improper watering can lead to the formation of rot and the appearance of viral infections.

Gerbera is a light-loving plant, so it is advisable to keep it indoors with good lighting. Although in the summer it is better to hide the plant from too bright sun, as its leaves and flowers can fade.
