How To Choose An Unpretentious Plant For The Office

How To Choose An Unpretentious Plant For The Office
How To Choose An Unpretentious Plant For The Office

Correctly selected indoor plants can create comfort in the office. Choose flowers that do not require constant care, transplants, and special lighting conditions. Plants will not only decorate the interior, but will make the air cleaner, and will also contribute to relaxation and good mood.

How to choose an unpretentious plant for the office
How to choose an unpretentious plant for the office

Office conditions

The main requirements for office plants are attractive appearance, tolerance to increased air dryness and irregular watering. Many ornamental foliage plants satisfy these requirements. They do not require frequent transplants, do not need a rest period, pinching and other complex manipulations.

In the office, it is not necessary to put plants on the windowsills. There are usually enough bright fluorescent lamps in the room. In such conditions, flowers that prefer bright diffused light and partial shade can grow. Shade-tolerant plants can be placed in dark corners. The height of the ceilings of the production premises makes it possible to accommodate large plants - palms, ficuses, giant tree-like vines.

In the office, you can place both single plants and various compositions in multi-level flower girls. Recently, “green walls” of fast-growing unpretentious plants are gaining popularity. Such walls can be ordered from specialized firms or grown on their own. They are especially appropriate in reception areas and lounges.

Choosing plants ideal for the office

In spacious offices, tall plants with large leaves feel great - ficuses of tree-like forms, monstera, palms, philodendrons. These plants do not tolerate waterlogging of the soil and are demanding on light.

On tables, window sills and other surfaces, you can place medium-sized plants - Benjamin ficus, Sansevieria, Bokarnea, Fatschia, lemon and tangerine trees. Unpretentious succulents, as well as lithops - "living stones", fit well into the interior of modern offices.

Fast-growing vines are very popular in offices, as well as beautifully flowing ampelous plants. Of the latter, we especially love chlorophytum, which perfectly cleans the air and saturates it with oxygen and moisture. Among the vines, the most common are scindaptus, ivy and fatskhedera. These vines are able to quickly braid any wall and even a ceiling. They are resistant to pests and tolerate watering breaks.

Plant care

For office plants to feel good and enjoy their appearance, they need proper care. Organize regular watering with settled soft water, but do not overmoisten the soil. From time to time, flowers need to be fed with liquid complex fertilizer and rotted or yellowed leaves should be cut off. Dust the plants regularly.

Make sure that no pests appear on the plants. The thunderstorm of office plants is a spider mite that reproduces well with increased dry air. Special sprays will help to deal with it. It is better to discard a heavily affected plant, replacing it with a healthy specimen.