What Unpretentious Flowers To Plant On A Garden Plot

What Unpretentious Flowers To Plant On A Garden Plot
What Unpretentious Flowers To Plant On A Garden Plot

Florists know that to grow beautiful flowers you need to spend a lot of time and effort on them. Having a summer cottage or a garden plot, not everyone can stay there often and for a long time. Therefore, many tend to plant more unpretentious flowers that do not require much attention.

Flowers on the site
Flowers on the site


Nasturtium is a beautiful flower that can beautify any garden plot. It looks very impressive. And what is also important, it can be used in food. Has medicinal properties.

Flowers on the site
Flowers on the site

Nasturtium is the owner of bright large single flowers that resemble a hood. The plant is of different sizes. These can be small bushes and climbing bushes. It blooms well all summer and autumn. Refers to unpretentious perennials. The flower is thermophilic and photophilous. Loves good fertile soil. It will bloom on poor soil, but the flowers will be small and not so bright.


Irises have long been very popular in garden plots. They can be found on almost everyone who has one. These flowers are good at any time. Even after they have faded, they continue to delight the eye with their appearance and green foliage.

Flowers on the site
Flowers on the site

Irises are perennials. They have a wide variety of shapes and colors. They are easy to grow, as they are winter-hardy, dry-loving. Are not afraid to grow in poor soil. At the same time, the whole season blooms. They can grow up to 6-7 years old in one place. Irises are interesting to cut. They have a wonderful aroma.


Petunias are also one of the most popular garden flowers. These incredibly beautiful plants can be grown not only on your site. They grow beautifully on balconies, terraces, window sills, etc. They differ from others in a huge number of varieties and in the same number of shapes and colors. But this flower has a peculiarity. To grow a good, long-flowering plant, you need to have time to grow seedlings. Petunias are one-year-olds.

Flowers on the site
Flowers on the site

If you plant petunias on time, then later they do not require much care. They are especially unpretentious to soils. They do not like sandstones and loams. This flower is "indifferent" to water: it can be poured or not refilled. But they do not tolerate stagnant water. In order for the bush to bloom well, it should be pinched and those flowers that have faded should be removed.

rose flower

A rose cannot be called an unpretentious flower. But any florist strives to ensure that at least one bush of this beauty grows on his site. In terms of their popularity, roses are in one of the first places. To grow them, you need to look after them a lot: monitor the soil, cut, plant, cover, etc. There are many worries. But all the work pays off with the beauty of these gorgeous flowers.

Flowers on the site
Flowers on the site

There are a huge number of varieties of roses in the world. The choice and cultivation of them in the garden area should be approached very carefully.


To create a beautiful, cozy corner on your site where you could take a break from the hustle and bustle, it is not at all necessary to plant many flowers of different varieties. Plant the ones that you will be able to grow. Choose several types that you like best. This will be enough to create an atmosphere of beauty and joy.