Nephrolepis belongs to those green plants that perfectly adapt at home, delighting not only with their beauty, but also by purifying the air from various harmful chemical and pathogenic substances. Nephrolepis increases air humidity well in dry rooms.

Caring for nephrolepis is uncomplicated. The plant harmoniously fits into the interior of any room. Its fast-growing cascading emerald frond is eye-catching. The fern looks good both on the wall in a hanging planter, and as a free-standing specimen plant.

In the kitchen or in the bathroom with a small window, the flower will delight the household with its irresistible "hippie" hairstyle.
First of all, it will grow in moderate light conditions. Small specimens thrive on windowsills facing the east, west and even north side. On the southern window in the summer, it is better to remove nephrolepis behind a tulle curtain, you can put it deep in the room, but there should be plenty of daylight.

The bright sun on hot summer days burns his fluffy emerald fronds, turns them into faded, yellowing, dry and dying. Moreover, a spider mite always "clings" to sunburns. To save the green handsome man from such a nuisance, in hot weather it is necessary to spray it more often with soft (settled) not cold water. This will both increase the humidity in the air and lower the temperature. Nephrolepis loves to "take a shower". In this case, the soil should be covered with a film, otherwise it will be washed out with water. After the shower, the plant must be allowed to dry and only then put in its place.
It is a plant for rooms with moderate heat. The temperature in the spring-summer period is 20 … 22 ° C and in winter from 12 … 15 ° C will be the most comfortable for him.

Nephrolepis loves fresh air, but does not tolerate drafts. Therefore, when ventilating and getting air flow, it is better to remove it for a while.
For growing or transplanting nephrolepis, wider pots are suitable, because its roots tend to master the pot horizontally and do not grow deeper into the pot. If a tall pot was chosen for planting (and the plant looks more stylish in it), then a high layer of drainage material must be placed on the bottom to raise the roots. Soil, as a rule, is used from a store based on loose peat, but you can prepare your own. You just need to take peat, sod land, coarse sand in equal parts. It will not be superfluous to add pieces of charcoal, moss or finely crushed pine bark, fine expanded clay, vermiculite to such a mixture.

Routine maintenance includes watering and keeping trays and pots clean. Water the fern regularly, preventing the soil from completely drying out. But it is not permissible to overmoisten the land either. This should not be done especially in cold weather, the plant may die.
Top dressing with liquid fertilizers for deciduous flowers is best given from spring to autumn. In the dark autumn-winter season, it is better not to feed the plant, but to give it a rest. In the spring, nephrolepis is either transplanted if the roots have mastered the pot, or fresh soil is added. At this time, overgrown specimens can be divided and planted.
Nephrolepis, if properly maintained, will become a long-liver in the house, delighting and enchanting with its beauty.