What Flowering Houseplants Are The Most Unpretentious

What Flowering Houseplants Are The Most Unpretentious
What Flowering Houseplants Are The Most Unpretentious

Indoor plants create a unique atmosphere in the house. But the owner does not always have enough time to take care of his green garden on the windowsill. In this case, it is not necessary to purchase orchids or cyclamens; you can choose unpretentious houseplants, which will also delight you with lush flowering.

What flowering houseplants are the most unpretentious
What flowering houseplants are the most unpretentious

It is a well-known plant that can have red, purple, white flowers with a distinct aroma. It is believed that geranium has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the house and protects against quarrels and depression. The flower loves the rays of the sun, but it will take root well in diffused light.


Spathiphyllum feels great in darkened rooms, since the leaves of the plant turn yellow and dry out from the sun's rays. The flower must be protected from cold and drafts, water only as the soil dries up.


A houseplant in the summer needs to be watered and fed abundantly, and in winter, watering should be reduced. However, begonia can please with flowering at any time of the year. She loves bright lighting, but direct sunlight is harmful to her. They can cause burns to foliage.


This houseplant is loved not only for its unpretentious care and the ability to survive in any conditions, but also lush pink and red inflorescences. It feels great both in bright light and in darkened rooms. In summer, watering should be frequent, and in winter, it should be reduced to a minimum.


Indoor maple loves sunlight and will appeal to flower growers who love fast-growing flowers. At the same time, it does not require high temperatures, optimally in summer - 20 ° С, and in winter - 15 ° С. In the warm season, it must be watered abundantly and fed with nitrogen fertilizers.


Hibiscus also has another name - the Chinese rose. A flowering plant will become a decoration of any home, and even a novice florist can take care of it. It is better to put hibiscus in a well-lit place, remembering to periodically cut off, since flowers appear only on young shoots.


The only requirement of this plant is sufficient watering and periodic pruning so that the flower does not stretch out. It can be grown in darkened rooms, the optimum temperature is no higher than 25 ° C. If you care for it properly and pinch the tops regularly, pachistachis will give a lush and long flowering.
