This plant comes from the tropical zones of our planet. These are semi-shrubs, shrubs, and sometimes trees. The nightshade is a very beautiful plant, as it contains flowers, green ovaries and multi-colored fruits at the same time. When it's cold outside, you have a small piece of bright summer at home.

Step 1
Temperature. In the spring-summer period, the optimum temperature for nightshade is from 18C to 25C. But with the onset of autumn and winter, the plant needs a cooler temperature from 12C to 15C, it is thanks to the support of this temperature that nightshade will bear fruit throughout the winter. At high temperatures during this period, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, and the berries wither.
Lighting. Nightshade prefers bright, diffused light, without direct sunlight. In the summer, the plant can be taken outside, protecting it from direct sunlight, drafts and precipitation. In winter, nightshade needs additional lighting. With a lack of light, the leaves fall off, and the plant does not bloom well and bears fruit.
Step 2
Watering. In the spring-summer period, nightshade evaporates a lot of moisture, so it needs abundant watering, but it is important to dry the topsoil between waterings. With the onset of autumn, the amount of watering is reduced. For irrigation, use well-settled water at room temperature.
Air humidity. Nightshade prefers high humidity of about 65-70%. If there is dry air in the room, you may never see your plant bloom and bear fruit. Regular spraying is recommended to maintain moisture. It is best to place the nightshade in a tray with damp moss or sand to moisten. Only so that the bottom of the pot does not stand in the water.
Step 3
Transfer. Transplant nightshade in the spring after annual pruning. Plants up to 5 years of age are transplanted annually, and adult plants are transplanted every 2-3 years. It is also important to note that a 2-year-old plant is transplanted into a 2-liter pot, and a 5-year-old plant is transplanted into a 5-liter one, and a 7-year old plant is transplanted into a 7-liter one. It is also important that the pot has good drainage. For soil, it is good to use such an earthen mixture: 2 parts of sod land + 2 parts of peat + 2 parts of humus + 1 part of sand.
Fertilizer Since nightshade bears fruit all year round, it needs regular feeding. It is best to use liquid fertilizer for indoor flowering plants. Fertilize every two weeks.
Step 4
Reproduction. Nightshade reproduces well by seeds that are sown throughout the year. The seeds are planted on the surface of sifted leafy soil and sprinkled on top with a small amount of sand. Cover with glass and regularly ventilate and spray the plant. The first shoots begin to appear after 2 weeks, and after the appearance of 3-4 leaves, the young Solanum can be transplanted into a 0.5 liter pot with the following earthen mixture: 1 part of sod land + 2 parts of humus + 1 part of sand. After transplanting, the plant must be pinched, and in the summer, the young plant must be cut several times to stimulate and branch.
Also nightshade can be propagated by cuttings. Cuttings root well in wet sand, and after rooting, young nightshade can be transplanted into a 0.5 liter pot with the following earthy mixture: 1 part turf + 2 parts humus + 1 part sand. After transplanting, pinch the plant, and in the summer, the young plant must also be cut several times to stimulate and branch.