Reproduction And Cultivation Of Ivy

Reproduction And Cultivation Of Ivy
Reproduction And Cultivation Of Ivy

Ivy is a liana-like plant that, with the help of sucker roots, can climb trees, hedges, and pillars. Ivy is grown to decorate yards, gardens, parks, and also as a houseplant.

Reproduction and cultivation of ivy
Reproduction and cultivation of ivy

How ivy reproduces

For propagation of ivy, cuttings, layering and shoots are used. It is better to propagate ivy in May and June, so that the plant takes root well before the onset of autumn.

To propagate ivy in the first way, you need to cut the cuttings and plant them in pots of 2-3 pieces, cover with foil on top. The soil for cuttings is prepared from sand and deciduous soil.

It is better to take cuttings that have aerial roots, they root well.

To reproduce ivy by layering, you need to take long shoots, make cuts on them, and then sprinkle them with earth. When the processes take root, they need to be separated and transplanted.

You can propagate the plant by shoots as follows. Take a shoot with 8-10 leaves and press it into the sand, leaving only leaves on the surface. After 10 days, underground roots will appear on the stem, where the buds are. At this stage, the shoot must be pulled out of the ground and cut so that there is a root and a leaf on each segment. These cuttings must be planted in prepared soil.

How to grow ivy

Ivy is an unpretentious plant, so it is quite simple to care for it. The soil for it must be fertile. It grows well in a land rich in humus and containing lime. Ivy needs to be fed several times over the summer. It is better to make top dressing after watering. To do this, you can use a liquid mullein diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 5 or complex mineral fertilizers for ornamental plants.

In order for ivy to grow and develop well, it is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the soil and water it abundantly. In the evening, the plant should be sprayed with water to prevent diseases and pests.

Ivy does not tolerate direct sunlight, but grows well in a well-lit or semi-shaded place.

The ends of the shoots should be pinched periodically, then the ivy will be more bushy with an abundance of dense foliage.

For the winter, ivy stems, if they are located on a vertical support, are covered with burlap or other material. The plant, which spreads along the ground, is sprinkled with dry foliage.

Indoor ivy

Ivy is a plant not only for garden decoration, there are varieties that are grown at home. Indoor ivy is propagated by cuttings, which, after rooting, are planted in pots with garden soil. It is transplanted once a year in early spring.

The houseplant is watered abundantly during the summer and should be reduced in winter. Water to moisten the soil should be used at room temperature.
