Useful Properties And Cultivation Of Clover

Useful Properties And Cultivation Of Clover
Useful Properties And Cultivation Of Clover

Clover is not uncommon, this plant is ubiquitous in Russia, growing in meadows, fields, forest edges. It is grown as a fodder plant for livestock. In addition, clover is an excellent honey plant.

Useful properties and cultivation of clover
Useful properties and cultivation of clover

Useful properties of clover

The healing power of this meadow plant is amazing. It is not for nothing that in folk medicine medicinal infusions and decoctions from clover are widely used, it contains a huge amount of vitamins of various groups, minerals, carotene, flavonoids, salicylic acid. Clover flowers and leaves are antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic. Also, the plant helps to normalize metabolic processes and increase the body's immunity.

Did you know that clover belongs to the legume family. There are about 250 plant species.

The tea from the collection, which contains dried red clover heads, St. John's wort and black currant leaves, helps to increase lactation in a nursing mother. You need to take dry herbs in a ratio of 1: 1: 2, that is, 1 part of clover and St. John's wort and 2 parts of currant, and brew the collection with boiling water. Let the tea brew and take 3 times a day.

Young clover leaves are used to prepare salads, and aromatic herbal tea is obtained from its inflorescences.

Our grandmothers prepared an excellent anti-aging lotion from clover. Early in the morning, they collected the dew from the flower, pouring it into a container. Then they put a couple of clover stalks in this liquid, and in the evening they washed themselves with this wonderful remedy for wrinkles.

Before you start taking decoctions and tinctures of clover, you should definitely consult with your doctor. As with any other drug, clover has contraindications. It should not be taken during pregnancy, high blood pressure, obesity, or chronic gastrointestinal disease.

Growing clover

Clover not only benefits the body, it is also an excellent ornamental plant. By planting it in your area, you will get a plush lawn that is resistant to trampling. In addition, clover is a wonderful green manure that can enrich any soil. And the medicinal plant will always be available.

Before sowing clover, thoroughly prepare the soil. Dig up to the depth of the shovel, clean the rhizomes of weeds and debris (this will make it easier to care for the lawn later). If the soil in your area is acidic, apply liming. Level the surface with a rake. Leave it on for a week. Then apply complex mineral fertilizers. After another week, weed the area for sowing clover and level it with a rake again.

Now you can sow the grass. You need to plant the plant in moist soil. If dry, water before sowing seeds. Scatter them in the same way as for any other lawn grass, first along the plot, then across it. Use a rake to mix the seeds with the top layer of soil and compact with a roller (you can use a barrel for this).

Seedlings will appear very quickly, about a week after sowing. Clover care consists in periodic watering when the soil dries and weeding. After a year, the plantings will be so dense that they will drown out almost all weeds. Please note that clover is an aggressor, if you do not want it to spread to your entire area, limit the area where the plant grows by digging in restraints around the perimeter.
