In our country, the attitude towards celery is quite calm. Not everyone likes to eat it, and some even consider it a weed and try to get rid of it in their garden plots. Celery is not only good for health, but also great for magical rituals, possessing magical properties.

How can celery be used in magic, what useful properties not everyone knows about?
In ancient Greece, celery was used exclusively for magic. Many believed that he was able to have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, prolong youth and get rid of many diseases.
It began to be eaten only in the 15th century. Celery became widespread in France and Germany. It was brought to Russia during the reign of Catherine II, but it was not used for cooking. Wreaths were woven from it and used to decorate heads with them during festive dinners. Celery began to be eaten only in the 17th century in Russia.
Celery in magic
For those who practice magic, witchcraft and herbal medicine, celery is a very valuable plant. It is used for the preparation of potions and medicinal drinks. The dried root or leaves are chosen for conspiracies and love spells. Celery is especially good in love magic. He is able to awaken feelings, attract the attention of a man. Also in ancient times, celery was used in magical rituals dedicated to the goddess of fertility.
If a woman dreams of having a son, it is worth putting a few dried celery sprigs under the pillow. In magic, it is believed that this method ensures that a boy is born.
When a woman wants to get attention from a man or to marry him, you need to invite your chosen one to dinner and feed him a dish with the obligatory addition of celery, carrots, fresh cucumbers and parsnips. While cooking, you should think about your chosen one and pronounce a simple conspiracy.
Celery has always been used to make love potions. It is considered one of the simplest and most effective. Apple juice or apple cider vinegar is added to the celery. A man should drink such a drink after the sun goes down.

Healers use celery to treat problems with the genitourinary system, infertility and impotence.
According to legends and beliefs, witches, before taking a flight on a broomstick, must eat celery seeds.
The health benefits of celery
Today, many people know that celery is very beneficial for the body. It has few calories, a lot of vitamins and minerals, essential oils. Moreover, everything you need is contained both in the leaves and in the roots of the plant.
Celery can affect mental alertness and help you stay in good physical shape. With the constant use of celery in food, a person will very quickly begin to feel a surge of strength.
The plant helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body. It is great for weight loss. Celery juice normalizes metabolism and has a diuretic effect.
For those who suffer from headaches and high blood pressure, it is recommended to include celery in their daily diet. It will also help strengthen the immune system and prevent flu and acute respiratory infections.
Celery has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. For insomnia, use the roots of the plant, and to get rid of stress - the leaves. The plant is infused for 12 hours in water, then the filtered solution is drunk during the day.
People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, as well as those with problems with the kidneys and genitourinary system, should eat celery daily.
Celery is contraindicated only in women during pregnancy, especially after 5 months.