The annual plant anise first appeared in the East. Later they began to grow it in India, the Mediterranean, Europe and on the territory of Russia. Anise has a pleasant aroma and spicy sweetish taste. The plant has long been used in cooking, cosmetology, folk medicine and magic.

Anise oil contains a large amount of anethole. It is he who gives the plant such a unique aroma. The plant contains a large amount of vitamins, fatty acids, proteins, vegetable fats, as well as selenium, zinc, copper, magnesium.
Beneficial features
Since ancient times, anise has been used to treat many diseases. In ancient Greece and Rome, he was of special value and they were even paid taxes. In modern medicine, anise has long been a part of cough mixtures and is used in the treatment of colds, bronchitis, and laryngitis.
Anise has long been used in folk medicine as an analgesic, diuretic, expectorant. It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, laxative, sedative effects.
The plant is recommended for use in diseases of the stomach, kidneys, digestive tract, genitourinary system. It helps with headaches, dizziness, nausea, depression, muscle pain.
Many experts advise adding anise to tea to prevent colds, especially in the autumn-winter period. It is believed that anise is an excellent natural antidepressant and can be used to raise mood and relieve stress.
Anise oil has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. It can be used to heal small wounds, burns, cuts.
Anise oil is often used in cosmetology. It helps to maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin, heals small cracks in the hands, maintains good condition of nails and hair. Tea or a decoction of anise fruits helps to preserve youth and beauty.
The plant is used to prepare a variety of healthy drinks. It can be added to pastries and breads to add flavor.

Magical properties
Anise has been in demand in magical rituals for a long time. It has protective properties, helps to eliminate negativity, bad thoughts, dispel melancholy and sadness. To feel a surge of strength and energy, you should take a bath with the addition of essential oil of anise and laurel leaves.
The fruits of the plant can be used to create a talisman, amulet or protective necklace. To protect yourself from the evil eye, damage, curses, to strengthen intuition, you need to take dried anise, lavender and nutmeg. Place all the components in a canvas bag and place it under the pillow or next to the bed.
With fears, nightmares, difficulty falling asleep, you should take dried anise with leaves and fruits, put them in a linen bag and put them under the mattress or hang over the head. After a while, sleep will improve, and fears will go away. Morning awakening will be light and calm, and there will be enough energy for the whole day.
Anise and astrology
Anise most of all helps people of water and air signs: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio.
Also suitable for those under the auspices of Jupiter and Mercury.