How To Choose Favorable Indoor Plants

How To Choose Favorable Indoor Plants
How To Choose Favorable Indoor Plants

Beautiful flowering plants are not only able to decorate the interior of a modern home, but also create a cozy atmosphere. Also, due to their presence, the dwelling is humidified and saturated with oxygen. But few people know that there are varieties of indoor plants that have the most beneficial effect on the psychological atmosphere in the house and on the well-being of the people living in it.

How to choose favorable indoor plants
How to choose favorable indoor plants

The choice of a houseplant, taking into account its location in the house

Each room has its own favorable plants. Therefore, when choosing a green pet, first of all, it is necessary to take into account which room it will be in. Tall plants such as palm, ficus, monstera or dieffenbachia are perfect for the living room interior.

When choosing indoor plants, you also need to take into account other factors - for example, room lighting, temperature and humidity, because your plants should feel comfortable in the house.

Strongly smelling plants should never be placed in the bedroom, as this can cause insomnia and headaches. For such a room, it is better to choose pots with soothing scent flowers, for example, it can be violet, fittonia or begonia. The pleasant shade of these flowers will also set you up for peaceful rest and sleep.

For the kitchen, it will be appropriate to use fruiting plants such as lemon or tangerine. In addition to a bright and cheerful appearance, beauty, they have a scent that gives energy and strength.

Of course, one cannot fail to mention medicinal plants. Aloe, golden mustache, Kalanchoe can serve as a hostess a small "live" first aid kit.

You need to be especially careful when choosing a plant for a children's room. It is best to avoid harsh-smelling and allergy-causing plants and thorny cacti here. Fatty, Saintpaulia, chlorophytum are perfect for this room. They contribute to the saturation of the air with oxygen and has a beneficial effect on the child's body.

Houseplant care

But when choosing indoor plants, you should not forget that each of them requires proper care. If you want flowers to please you for a long time, you need to pay attention to studying the features of caring for them. Sick flowers not only look unaesthetic, but also (from the point of view of Chinese feng shui teachings) adversely affect the family and home. Over time, taking care of the plants in the house and observing them, you can easily navigate and create the most optimal conditions for them.

And finally, it is worth mentioning that no matter what properties the plants have, first of all, they should evoke positive emotions in all family members, creating a cozy home atmosphere in the house. Therefore, you should not oversaturate your home with an excessive number of flowers and plants.