The Magical Properties Of Stones And Minerals: Agate

The Magical Properties Of Stones And Minerals: Agate
The Magical Properties Of Stones And Minerals: Agate

Agate has long been a stone symbol of well-being and longevity. There is a version that the name of the stone comes from the Greek word "happy". Agate is a layered stone, the variations in color combinations are truly endless.

The magical properties of stones and minerals: agate
The magical properties of stones and minerals: agate

The magical properties of agate

The mysterious power of agate is multifaceted. He is able to cool the mind and makes you think soberly, discarding all emotions and feelings. It brings harmony to the inner world of a person and good luck in a duel or confrontation.

Even in Ancient Egypt, people believed in the magical power of agate, in its ability to save a person from an accident, and in India today it is customary to put a thread with this stone on the hand of a newborn boy. It is believed that agate will keep your baby safe and help develop a keen mind.

Black agate is capable of strongly suppressing emotions. Only very emotional and hot-tempered people who are prone to the violent expression of their feelings can constantly wear it. Modest by nature and quiet people, black agate can make you completely lacking in initiative. This stone is a strong amulet against various disasters and natural disasters.

White agate gives its owner wisdom, health and longevity. Reliably protects against the influence of evil forces, neutralizes negative energy. Also, white agate helps to restore harmony in family life.

Blue agate is a symbol of love and deep feelings. Blue agate helps relieve nervous tension and relieve stress after a hard day.

Red agate gives its owner confidence, protects against financial problems and helps to heal chronic diseases.

The healing properties of agate


Agate has long been considered a powerful stone that can heal people. Mentions about this stone are found in medical treatises of Pliny. He claimed that agate helps with the bites of poisonous insects, so his medical mortars for preparing medicines were made from this material.

Agate helps a person tune in to a more subtle perception of the world around him, therefore it is recommended to use it in meditation. This stone is recommended to be regularly worn by pessimists, as it is able to tune a person's thoughts in a positive way and teach him to live in harmony with the world around him.

A ring with agate helps to cope with heart problems if it is constantly worn on the ring finger of the left hand.

What signs of the zodiac are suitable for agate

Agate jewelry is recommended for Taurus and Gemini. He is able to pacify the violent temper of these zodiac signs, brings order to their lives and helps to unleash their creativity.

Sagittarius and Aries are not recommended to wear this stone. Agate can suppress their personality and expose the negative sides of their character.
