Destiny Line: Meaning

Destiny Line: Meaning
Destiny Line: Meaning

More and more people are paying attention to "signs from above". A person wants to know what lies ahead. Such awareness allows you to adjust your life and avoid unpleasant moments. The line of fate located in the very center of the palm is capable of helping to fulfill a person's desire.

Destiny line: meaning
Destiny line: meaning

The Line of Fate is the main vertical in the palm of your hand. It is located right in the center and contains the most intimate information about a person. The line of fate tells about the existing or absent rock, purpose, professional and life turns. She can also tell when people from the outside will influence the course of life, how they will influence and how much they will linger in the fate of a person.

As already noted, the line of fate is located in the center of the palm. Its origins may differ: for one it will begin at the lower edge, base, palm, for the other it will begin only in the middle. Someone has only fragments of a line tending to the mound of Saturn (the mound under the middle finger), while others are generally free from the pressure of fate.

You should not be afraid because of the lack of a line of fate. In this case, the forecast in palmistry is as follows: in life you are given to rely only on your own strength. You yourself sculpt all the events that take place and make your life more interesting or boring.

The presence of the line of fate means two options: higher forces either help you, or hinder (unfortunately, this is possible). In general, the presence of a line of fate suggests that a person's life is karmically predetermined. The smoother, smoother, and taller it is, the more you depend on your purpose. A person with such a line is distinguished by responsibility, dedication, discipline. But if you want to retreat from the "paved path" - you will have to make inhuman efforts.

If the line of fate on the hand begins late enough (high), it often indicates "self-made people" - "a person who made himself on his own." All his achievements are the result of constant work and hard work, helping to achieve the set goal. But most often there are palms on which the line of fate just ends after crossing the line of the head or heart. This means that at a later age you are given the opportunity to choose the direction of your activity at will, because you have fulfilled the intended plan.

When reading your hands, you must remember the main thing: all lines tend to change. Accordingly, you can change your destiny. Indeed, as practice shows, it is really only in your hands.
