Wonderful horses "My Little Pony" captured the hearts of many girls. Colorful and kind cartoon characters are found among toys, in books, on stickers. If you want to learn how to draw "My Little Pony", you will not be disappointed, because thanks to the step-by-step instructions, it is quite easy to do it.

Step 1
To draw "My Little Pony" step by step, take a pencil, eraser and colored markers. Place the sheet of paper horizontally so that the horse fits completely in the picture. Draw a large, even circle at the top of the paper in the center. This will be the head of the future pony. Just below the middle of the sheet and slightly to the right of the head, draw a slightly flattened circle. The "My Little Pony" has a head much larger than the body, so observe the proportions when drawing, focusing on the presented photo. Connect the circles with a curved line convex to the left.

Step 2
Draw a line for the horse's forehead along the drawn markings. It is about a quarter of a circle. Add a slightly rounded ear triangle at the end. Draw a curved line for the nose and eyes.

Step 3
In the center of the marking circle, next you need to draw a "My Little Pony" large eye. It should look like a large almond or birch leaf. Draw a curved brow with a pair of eyelashes at the end above the eye. Draw a large pupil. On the right side of the muzzle, part of the second eye should be visible in the drawing, add it with a light stroke. Don't forget about fluffy, curved eyelashes. On the ear, draw a small strip dividing the triangle in half. Put dots-nostrils on the nose, draw a small smiling mouth.

Step 4
Now you need to draw the "My Little Pony" hooves. To determine their location, visually divide the breast line (connecting the two circles) in half. From the head to this line, sketch out the pony's neck and chest. From its end, begin to draw the lines of the hooves. To make them easier to depict, draw two small, elongated ovals (shins), and then connect them with short lines to the body. From the front and back of the horse's ear, draw two curved lines of the mane, make it volumetric by adding strokes inside.

Step 5
On the left side, add the second part of the mane. Make soft waves, don't forget about volume. If you like, you can draw a "My Little Pony" little halo above your head. To do this, you need to depict two ovals next to each other as shown in the picture for the step-by-step instructions.

Step 6
Now start drawing the body and hind hooves. Do everything exactly the same as in the image. The pony's thigh should follow the line of the marking circle, and from it you should draw the lines of the legs. If you want to draw a jumping horse, then the hind hooves should be significantly lower than the front ones.

Step 7
An angel pony must have wings. To make them look realistic, compose them from several feathers, drawing them from the curve of the back. Add a flowing tail to the horse, proceeding in the same way as for drawing the mane.

Step 8
Now you can trace your horse along the contour, increasing the pressure of the pencil, and then remove the marking lines. You know how to draw "My Little Pony" step by step in the form of an angel and you can successfully depict other horses by changing and adding the necessary elements. Don't forget to grab the markers and color the drawing to make it look even better.