In the study of the English language, the ability to perceive the printed text plays an important role. Books are the best way to develop this skill. However, you need to read books in English, observing certain rules, otherwise you will not get either benefit or pleasure from such reading.

Step 1
The first rule of reading books in English is going from easy to difficult. If you are just starting to learn English, you should not take long, complex books and try to understand them. Such works will only tire and discourage all desire to read books in a foreign language. Remember how children learn to read in their native language: first they read individual sentences, then small texts, then short fairy tales, and only then pick up a large book. The same rules must be followed with English. At the initial level, it is worth taking small adapted works in which there is a translation of the most difficult words and expressions. At the intermediate level, you need to read adapted works of increased complexity and after several successfully read stories or novels, switch to books without adaptation.
Step 2
For reading, it is important to choose a work that you have not yet read in Russian. So reading will be much more interesting, because when you don't know the ending, there is motivation to read the book to the end. If you know in advance the content of the work, this will facilitate its perception when reading in a foreign language, but may deprive the reader of interest.
Step 3
Don't give up on working with a dictionary. To do this, you need to read a passage from the text, for example, a paragraph or a page, and write down unknown words and expressions in a notebook that you cannot understand from the context or that you want to remember. Translate them and only then move on. This method of reading is quite complicated and requires a lot of time, but it perfectly replenishes the vocabulary, and the reader, as a result, fully understands the text read.
Step 4
Don't stop there. It is difficult to read only the first half of the book; further things will go easier. The first time you need to get used to the perception of a foreign language, the style of the author, the difficulties associated with translation. But then the plot becomes addictive, it becomes easier to read, you no longer need to constantly refer to the dictionary, reading begins to bring real pleasure.
Step 5
Read every day, or at least every other day. It is very important not to lose the acquired reading skills and the effect of it. Spend at least a few minutes reading, this is possible even with a lot of busyness. Continue to work with the dictionary, even if you will not write down every unknown word there. After all, reading English books should develop not only the speed and ease of understanding, but also contribute to learning the language. This is extremely difficult to achieve without new vocabulary.