When The Aliens Arrive

When The Aliens Arrive
When The Aliens Arrive

For several centuries, not only science fiction writers, but also quite serious scientists have been discussing the possibility of the existence of life on other planets. Many believe it is highly probable that intelligent life forms exist somewhere in a distant part of the universe that will someday come into contact with earthlings. When to expect the aliens' visit?

When the aliens arrive
When the aliens arrive

Waiting for guests from space

Back in the 16th century, Giordano Bruno expressed a bold hypothesis that in the vast expanses of the Universe there are many worlds inhabited by intelligent beings. Inspired by these assumptions, scientists and writers set about compiling descriptions of alien inhabitants. Until the 19th century, they were represented as humanoid.

Subsequently, the images of aliens began to resemble less and less a person; in the literature appeared not only "little green men" or giant octopuses, but even intelligent plants.

Man's fantasy created creatures with whom the earthlings had to establish contact. More often than not, aliens from outer space appeared before the readers of science fiction novels as powerful creatures, far ahead of humanity in the field of technology. The alien ships did not cost anything to overcome the unthinkable spaces of space. And in their wanderings, they inevitably had to visit the Earth, located on the outskirts of the Galaxy.

Some researchers believe that the belief in the existence of powerful aliens is a lot like belief in God or other higher powers. Perhaps humanity throughout its history has needed the presence of "older brothers" who will help people cope with the blind forces of nature and reach a high level of technological development.

Should I wait for an alien visit?

Skeptics believe that the likelihood of meeting earthlings with alien intelligence, even if it exists, is so small that it can be neglected. It is likely that life, which arose on a protein or other basis, is not just a very rare, but even a unique phenomenon in the Universe. Therefore, it is pointless not only to expect the arrival of aliens from other worlds, but also to look for them in space ourselves. As proof, skeptics cite accurate mathematical calculations of the probability of contact.

They are opposed by adherents of the theory of artificial creation of life on Earth, according to which powerful aliens long ago placed organisms on the planet, the development of which led to the emergence of intelligent life here. Now it’s time to visit this space incubator with an "inspector check". And such an advent should happen very soon, in the coming decades.

The optimists also explain the need for such a visit by the fact that at the moment the Earth and the humanity inhabiting it are at a critical stage of development, therefore, it is impossible to do without the intervention of the aliens of the terrestrial civilization.

When is the alien visit expected? And will it take place at all? Neither science fiction writers, nor venerable scientists, who, with the help of super-powerful equipment, are able to peer into the most remote corners of space, can unequivocally answer this question. All opinions on this issue are based only on guesses, hypotheses and assumptions, many of which do not stand up to serious testing.

Probably, humanity should still stop hoping for a miracle and come to grips with putting things in order on their home planet. In the end, even without the help of technologically advanced aliens, earthlings are able to reach such a level of development of civilization, at which the need to search for a saving contact will disappear by itself. And then mankind will be able to start sowing life in the most remote corners of the universe on its own.