How To Make Poker Chips

How To Make Poker Chips
How To Make Poker Chips

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Poker is the most popular card game in the world. The number of players is growing rapidly, mainly due to the users of online poker games. Having reached a certain level of skill, many people want to play "live" poker, that is, face to face with real opponents. This can be done, for example, by organizing a poker tournament at home, teaming up with friends.

How to make poker chips
How to make poker chips


Step 1

A real game also requires real accessories, the main of which are chips and cards. But if, as a rule, there are no problems with cards, then chips are not so easy to get. Real chips are made from clay, plastic, or ceramics. They also differ depending on the denomination in color, diameter, they have a certain thickness and weight.

Step 2

Make the chips yourself. Take plastic tokens as their basis. Use tokens of several colors or try making stickers with face values. For example, make something similar to the original on your computer using Photoshop. Or stick the corresponding colored paper on the tokens, and write the denomination with a marker or felt-tip pen.

Step 3

You can also cut the chips out of thick cardboard. Color these chips with paint and write the denomination with a marker or ballpoint pen. However, such poker chips will not last long.

Step 4

Please note that the approximate number of chips for ten players will be at least five hundred. You will have to make a lot of effort to get the required number of chips from cardboard, or to make and stick stickers on tokens.

Step 5

Many players use common coins, trying to divide them according to their value. Currently, similar chips are on sale. However, if you get down to business wisely, you can get a beautiful, original poker game, even with homemade chips.
