Poker is an exciting intellectual game that is popular all over the world. The most widespread is Texas Hold'em: its rules are relatively simple, and the winning depends on the ability to “read” the opponent's cards, a proportionate amount of bets, and the laws of probability theory.

It is necessary
- - poker chips;
- - dealer button;
- - deck of cards;
- - kating card (optional);
- - trays for chips (if there are too many chips on the table);
- - program for the tournament (optional).
Step 1
Prepare for the game: play the seats at the table, if you are going to organize a tournament, distribute the chips to the boxes, agree on the blinds (in the cash) and the time after which the levels will be raised (in the tournament), check that all cards are present. The deck must contain 52 cards from 2 to Ace, jokers do not take part in the game. If you are not familiar with the combinations, then you should learn them in advance or, in extreme cases, make a cheat sheet.
Step 2
Shuffle the deck. This is best done on a table without lifting the cards high above the surface. Trim them and start laying them out in front of the boxes, starting at the far left. The player who has the highest value card in front of him will be in the button position in the first game. Therefore, the next person clockwise should post the small blind, followed by the big blind. If the cards of the same denomination fell out, then the suits (from strong to weak) are taken into account: spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs. This is the only point in the game where suit seniority is taken into account. If there is no dealer, then the players shuffle the deck of cards in turn, this right passes along with the button.
Step 3
Shuffle the deck and see if all the mandatory bets have been placed (small and big blind, antes). The chips must be placed before the start of the distribution at some distance from the player's main stack, it is important that all the chips are clearly visible to the rest of the participants. In a cash game, the third person from the button has the right to post a straddle, the size of which is always equal to the double big blind. Thus, he buys the right of the last word in the first round of betting and increases the pot. Following the straddle, restraddle, etc. is allowed, unless otherwise agreed in advance. But re-straddle is only possible if you have a straddle. Such bets are not provided for in the tournament.
Step 4
Deal alternately for each box, two cards with points up: the first card should go to the player in the small blind, the second to the big blind, etc., the last one will remain on the button.
Step 5
The first word belongs to the player who is after the big blind (straddle, re-straddle, etc.). He has three options: - fold; - call (call); - raise (raise). The first minimum raise is equal to twice the previous bet. If before the increase was 100, then you can bet at least 200, the maximum depends on the format of the game. In no lilit poker, it is allowed to bet all the chips (all in), in pot-limit - no more than the size of the pot at the current moment of the game, limit - the amount determined by the levels (limit $ 100-200 in the first two rounds of betting - raise + $ 100, in the rest - +200, a maximum of 3 increases are allowed in one betting round).
Step 6
Each player alternately makes a clockwise move, the last one to complete the first round is the man in the big blind. The action continues until the rates of all participants remaining in the game are equal. In the no limit game, you can put all in at any time, but if the bet does not qualify for a raise, then it is automatically considered a call. Therefore, if the player who has the last word puts forward all his chips, but they are not enough to increase, then the other players can only equalize this amount or fold their cards: they have no right to raise, since the betting round has already been completed.
Step 7
After the bets are equalized, the dealer opens the flop: he cuts the first card (puts it face-down in front of him) and puts three in the open. After that, the second betting round begins with the person following the button. As before, trading continues until all rates are equal.
Step 8
Everyone has called - cut the next card from the deck and turn on the turn (4th card on the board). Players are bargaining, after completing the circle, show the river (5th card on the table). The deck is no longer needed: the board is completely laid out. The last betting round came before the showdown.
Step 9
The players remaining in the hand have called the maximum bet - it's time to show the cards. If no one wants to show them first, then the one for whom the last increase is listed first does it. There were no bets in the 4th betting round - the participants open one by one in the clockwise direction, starting to the right of the button. Cards can be folded in a blindfold - this person cannot claim to win. If there is more than one player left in the final segment, then one of them must still open his cards - he will get the bank, provided that all the others decide to fold. Several participants showed a hand - the winner is determined by the highest combination.
Step 10
To continue playing, move the button one space clockwise, shuffle the cards and start the next game. In it, the player who was in the big blind moves to the small blind. Repeat everything from step 3.