Kurai is a wind musical instrument of the Bashkirs and Tatars. There are several varieties of it: kiyik-kurai, sur-kurai, sybyzgy. It is made from the stem of the umbrella plant of the ribcarp, which is popularly called kurai. It was thanks to him that this instrument got its name.

It is necessary
- - kurai;
- - mirror.
Step 1
Practice on any small diameter pipe before learning to play the kurai. Place it between the front teeth, while the lip covers the instrument, and the lower one is slightly open. The tip of the tongue rests against the edge.
Step 2
Next, try blowing. Please note that the tongue should not come off the edge. Blow with a sound. Do not close your lips, they should be parted in a smile, but one side should be pressed against the instrument.
Step 3
You may feel dizzy when you blow, as the exhalation must be very tense. Take a short break and the dizziness will go away.
Step 4
Practice breathing. Take it with your mouth, while trying not to raise your shoulders. Blow hard, but at the same time calmly. Playing the kurai requires a large amount of air in the chest. The inhalation should be done as deeply as possible, and the exhalation should be much more intense than the inhalation phase. The depth of inhalation depends on the length of the sound, this will come with experience.
Step 5
To get it right, practice in front of the mirror. Try to keep your face relaxed. Your face should not resemble a twisted mask.
Step 6
The pitch is obtained by pinching the holes with the thumb, forefinger and ring finger. Do not strain your fingers. Close the holes tightly.
Step 7
The hardest part is learning to play with a chest voice. Find an experienced kurai player to teach you how to play this wonderful instrument. Then you will be able to extract "quiet, melancholic and soulful sounds that reproduce the dreaminess of Bashkir melodies quite well," as the Russian folklorist S. G. Rybakov wrote about the kurai.
Step 8
If you do not have such an opportunity, look for the book by TM Nuriev, AT Nuriev "Learn to play the kurai" (kurai's alphabet). Sterlitamak, 1997. This is an excellent self-instruction manual for playing the instrument. Do all tasks sequentially. Exercise daily for at least 30-40 minutes.