Three Ideas For Simple Crafts From Cardboard Chips Left Over

Three Ideas For Simple Crafts From Cardboard Chips Left Over
Three Ideas For Simple Crafts From Cardboard Chips Left Over

A cardboard cylinder that serves as a container for chips or a base for a roll of paper towels is a very handy item for quick crafts. Here are three more simple ideas for literally 5 minutes.

Three ideas for simple crafts from cardboard chips left over
Three ideas for simple crafts from cardboard chips left over

For creativity, you will need a cardboard tube from Pringles chips or something similar (sometimes wine or tea is packed in similar boxes), self-adhesive film with a pattern or colored paper for decoration, other decoration items to your taste (braid, ribbons, rhinestones on glue, etc.).

Plastic bag organizer

This is a very simple and quick craft, for which you just need to carefully stick the self-adhesive on the tube. Make a small round hole in the plastic cap with nail scissors. The organizer is ready. Now you can put a roll of small grocery bags inside, put the tip of the first bag into the lid and pull them out of the organizer as needed.

Organizer for cotton pads

To make such an organizer, at the base of the cardboard tube you need to make a semicircular slot with a clerical knife. Now glue colored paper onto the tube and put any pattern on it with rhinestones and glue. Apply heavy tape to the cut near the bottom to mask the cardboard edge.

Such an organizer will decorate your table with cosmetics, if you show your imagination when decorating it.

Gift wrapping

And of course, a beautifully decorated cardboard tube will serve as a good packaging for many gifts. For such packaging, choose silver or gold film or paper with themed designs. Stick a bow or pompom on the plastic cap.