The Magical Properties Of Amber

The Magical Properties Of Amber
The Magical Properties Of Amber

Warm and sunny amber is endowed with numerous magical properties. Despite the fact that the gem contains masculine energy, it is perfect as an amulet or talisman for women. In addition, it can be worn even by children; amber will not harm them in any way. On the contrary, the stone will make the child cheerful and confident.


Amber, which is a petrified tree resin, is an organic gemstone. He is under the auspices of the Sun, and his element is fire. It is believed that this stone has a beneficial effect on all chakras. It is widely used in lithotherapy as it has numerous healing properties. But also amber is a stone that contains magical power.

The magical properties of solar amber

Despite the fact that amber is a stone, some of its varieties burn beautifully. At the same time, a very pleasant, slightly intoxicating aroma comes from the melting resin. With the help of lit amber, you can fumigate rooms in order to get rid of negative energy, expel evil forces from the house and achieve a harmonious atmosphere. Burning amber is also used in some religious and ritual ceremonies.

Even in the distant past, it was known that the precious stone amber, not subjected to any processing, is able to drive away evil demons and spirits from a sleeping person. It also protects against bad dreams, restless and disturbing sleep. It is enough to put amber near the bed or under the pillow to make the night calm and comfortable.

The magical properties of amber for women are revealed in the fact that the stone saturates them with vitality and energy. It has a positive effect on character, making a woman softer, more optimistic, relieving obsessive thoughts, suspiciousness and irritability. In addition, the magical powers of amber help to prolong youth and maintain women's health.

It is recommended to wear amulets and simply petrified resin jewelry for those girls who are preparing to become mothers. Amber will improve the condition of the pregnant woman, will help to ensure that childbirth is easy, and the baby is healthy.

Amber products are miraculously able to cheer up and fill relationships within the family with warmth and love. To recharge with solar energy and get rid of the blues, you should wear rings or bracelets with this stone. To harmonize the atmosphere in the house, it is recommended to place a figurine made of amber in each room, or put untreated pieces of stone on the shelves.

The magical properties of amber
The magical properties of amber

A precious stone that has absorbed the power of fire and the energy of the Sun is capable of creating an invisible protective field around its owner or inside the house. It can be used as a talisman that will not allow evil people to enter the apartment, ward off various troubles and problems, protect from floods, fires, theft.

Amber, endowed with magical properties, helps to fight emotional burnout, overwork. He helps out in those minutes when you need to go through a stressful situation or cope with some kind of grief. Amber stone supports, soothes, warms, helps to begin to notice the good even in the most nasty events, helps a person to look to the future with optimism and faith.

Amulets, talismans and amber figurines are suitable for carrying out meditation practices with them. This gem helps to quickly calm emotions, achieve a state of inner harmony, tune in and drown out internal dialogue (the flow of thoughts).

What other magical properties does amber have?

  • improves health, prolongs life;
  • helps to reveal inner talents;
  • strengthens the spirit and willpower;
  • gives faith in their own capabilities, in a wonderful future;
  • attracts good luck, success, well-being and prosperity;
  • does not allow negative energy to accumulate in the house;
  • makes intuition stronger;
  • indicates the right path in life, helps to achieve set goals and fulfill dreams;
  • awakens creativity and creativity, which allow finding solutions in the most difficult situations;
  • invigorates when necessary, and quickly soothes, relieving overexcitation;
  • attracts joy and happiness.
