We all see the starry sky almost every night, but not everyone will open it in all its glory!
![First Steps in Amateur Astronomy First Steps in Amateur Astronomy](https://i.hobbygaiety.com/images/034/image-101538-1-j.webp)
First you need to purchase an atlas of the Starry Sky, the next step is to find a place for observation: the most suitable place where there is little illumination and a good view. It is best to start observing with the naked eye, and when you can easily find the constellations, you should start using binoculars - the most suitable option is BP.20x50, - using binoculars, you can observe nebulae: one of the most famous nebulae M42 is located in the constellation Orion. Galaxies: from galaxies, M31 or, as it is also called, the Andromeda nebula looks especially spectacular, double stars, star clusters: one of the most beautiful and famous is the open Pleiades star cluster, which is located in the constellation Taurus, and the open star cluster h and x in the constellation Perseus; globular star clusters: one of the brightest globular clusters M13 can be observed in the constellation Hercules; variable stars: one of the most famous variables is Algol (93 light years), habitat - the constellation Perseus, Algol is the prototype of a class of eclipsing binaries - two stars periodically eclipse each other, as they revolve around a common center of gravity. The eclipse period is 2, 87 days, while the brightness of the star falls from 2, 1m to 3, 4m, then to return to the usual state 10 hours later. The planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, four moons of Jupiter: Io, Europa, Callisto and Ganymede are the last ones of the closest and accessible objects in the night sky. Our natural satellite is the Moon: on the Moon you can observe the seas and mountains, craters - the brightest crater, on the visible side of Tycho, is especially interesting.