It is believed that the female name Arina is a derivative of Irina. In turn, Irina is translated from Greek as "moral", "peace". Of course, it is sonorous and to this day is widespread in the territory of modern Russia.

Little Arina
A girl named Arisha will strive for independence and independence from the first years of her life. Arisha herself will make a choice in which particular circle she should enroll, what activities to devote herself to. For example, if she wants to learn to embroider, then she will figure it out on her own, having mastered this business with a bang.
As a child, Arina loves various sweets. The child absorbs the traits of both parents. From the mother to the girl, a genuine desire for independence is transmitted, and from the father - grace and an unusual bright appearance.
School time
At school, Arina still shows her independence. Teachers love her. It is not difficult for a girl to study, because she loves to do it. In addition, Arisha is an avid detective addict. She reads detective novels with great pleasure and watches American films of Hollywood origin.
Arin's "requisites": planet - Venus, stone - opal, totem animal - owl, name color - blue, plant - lily of the valley and chestnut, auspicious day of the week - Friday, zodiac sign - Taurus.
At this age, girls named Arina are surrounded by a lot of friends. However, Arina will not be limited only to her friends - it's time to turn their attention to the boys. By the way, Arins find a common language with them much easier than with girls.
The nature of most carriers of this name is amorous. But even here the Arins are able to restrain themselves, keeping their composure. These are sober and reasonable girls. Most of all at this age, Arina is afraid of loneliness. They will do anything to avoid being alone with themselves.
Adult Arina
The owners of this name are endowed with phenomenal intuition. Despite this, Arins are in no hurry to trust their instincts. Rather, they will think over everything on their own, calculating all possible outcomes of a particular situation, before making an appropriate decision. In dealing with people around them, most Arin are reserved women.
Famous owners of this name: Arina Rodionovna (nanny of Alexander Pushkin), Arina Sharapova (TV presenter), Arina Martynova (figure skater), Arina Righteous (wife of St. George).
Arina in love
This woman is trying to find a strong and persistent man for herself, who will become a real support for her in life. Often, the owners of this name do not meet those they would like. Due to their fear of loneliness, some Arins behave somewhat insecure in love relationships with their men.
In addition, because of Arina's inherent isolation, it can be quite difficult for her to express her sincere feelings. Often this repels men from her, who falsely believe that "the fire of love" will never light up in Arina's cold heart.