Translated from Latin, Marina means "sea". There are two key types of destiny for the owner of this name - either Marina will spend her life as one continuous sparkling carnival, or, on the contrary, modestly and unnoticed by others.

Marina's childhood
The owner of this aquatic name, as a rule, is characterized by energy, mobility and a high degree of involvement in adventures. These qualities are inherent in Marina from an early age.
As a child, Marina can be characterized as a very sociable child, quickly getting used to the attention from children and adults. But as soon as Marina sees a smile or a shadow of a smile in her address, all attempts to attract everyone's attention come to naught, and the girl withdraws into herself. Marina is often characterized by resentment, contradictory behavior, but nevertheless, the owners of this name are extroverts, and do not conceal resentment for a long time.
Marina's character
Throughout her life, Marina carries with her arrogance, which she bases on the exclusivity of her personality. Indeed, the owners of this name from childhood show talents for the performing arts - singing, dancing, acting. However, Marina most often loses her desire to connect her whole life with art closer to adolescence.
By the way of thinking, Marina gravitates more towards the humanities, but given their innate desire to study, they can succeed in the exact sciences. In general, Marina is a good student, and carry this quality throughout their lives, which helps them in their careers.
Marina's personal life
Marina easily converges with people who value a girl for her brightness and originality. Often, most of the girl's environment is men who are fascinated by her charm. Marina knows how to please a man, but she never sets herself the goal of winning a certain person. This is not characteristic of her wayward and slightly arrogant nature.
Marina's personal life is often fenced off from the prying glances of others. The girl leaves her novels and emotional experiences beyond the scope of gossip. The "facade" of Marina's life consists of information about career achievements, academic success, and what is happening on her love front, the girl prefers to keep secret.
Having entered into marriage, Marina becomes a caring and loving wife, but she is not always content with supporting roles. If in marriage a woman feels a weakening of attention to her own person, the family will not do without squabbles.