How To Find Out Where The South Is

How To Find Out Where The South Is
How To Find Out Where The South Is

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Why should a person be able to determine the cardinal points and, in particular, determine the south? There are many reasons - from trying to correctly arrange furniture in an apartment, according to the canons of Feng Shui, to finding a way home in case he suddenly gets lost in the forest. Let's learn to find, say, the south.

The easiest way to determine the cardinal points is the compass
The easiest way to determine the cardinal points is the compass


Step 1

The first method requires a compass. Place it on a flat surface and let the arrow calm down. Its blue or unpainted end will point to the letter N ("nord" - north), and the red - to the letter Z ("zuiden" - south).

Step 2

The second way is by the sun. In the old days, the southern direction was called midday, and instead of "go south", they said - "go at noon." Because being at the zenith of its daytime journey across the sky (and this time falls at noon), the sun clearly points to the south.

Step 3

Another way is star orientation. In the northern hemisphere, there are two constellations that remain high in the sky all night - Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. The very last star (the tip of the bucket) in the constellation Ursa Minor is Polar. It was she who led the ancient sailors, since she invariably indicated the direction to the north. Accordingly, turning your back to her, you will look clearly to the south.

Step 4

Being in the forest, you can determine the location of the south by indirect signs. For example, the south side of the anthill you meet will be flatter than the north. But moss prefers to grow on the north side of trees and stumps. Accordingly, the side of the tree trunk opposite to the overgrown with moss will be the southern side.
