How To Find Your Talisman

How To Find Your Talisman
How To Find Your Talisman

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Talismans are designed to attract good luck, happiness, love into a person's life. They are able to strengthen the positive qualities of their owner and weaken the negative ones. Often, talismans perform the function of an amulet - they save their owner from harm.

How to find your talisman
How to find your talisman


Step 1

A talisman can be a decoration, a precious stone, a souvenir, a picture, a scarf, any energetically charged and consecrated thing. However, not every piece of jewelry bought in a store can become your talisman. It is necessary to use as a talisman a stone or metal that suits you according to your horoscope. Cancer, for example, is more suitable for jewelry made of silver with emeralds and rubies, Leo - rings and medallions made of gold, Taurus and Libra - bracelets made of copper and caskets made of malachite, and Sagittarius - spoons and figurines made of pewter, turquoise, corals. A stone that does not coincide with the owner's energy can harm him. There are many examples of this in life when a person who received an adornment with an unsuitable stone as a gift was changed by luck. Jewelry should be chosen with an odd number of stones (3, 7), except 13.

Step 2

The hereditary talisman has the greatest power. Is there a precious piece of jewelry in your home that you inherited from your grandmother or great-grandmother? It may well become your talisman. If you doubt its positive effect, hold the jewelry under a stream of running water, imagining how the water carries away negative energy.

Step 3

When choosing a talisman, be guided by your intuition. Look at the object and touch it with your hands. How do you feel when you touch it? What emotions are you experiencing? What images appear before your inner gaze? If positive, the chosen thing can become your talisman. With a negative perception, do not use the object, even if it is very beautiful in appearance and is expensive.

Step 4

After the talisman is selected, it needs to be charged. Take the precious jewelry to the church for consecration. You can turn to a practicing magician or psychic, but it is better to charge the talisman yourself. There are many rituals for charging a talisman. The safest of these is visualization. Find a secluded spot, or lock yourself in a room and ask loved ones not to disturb you for a while. Take the talisman in your hands and imagine how the golden energy of goodness and love is enveloping you and the object, which is necessary for the fulfillment of your wish. Then concentrate the energy in the talisman itself, stroke it and ask for the necessary help and support. Do not give a charged talisman to anyone's hands. Carry it with you or keep it in your home.
