Many people like to solve crosswords - this is a good training of intellectual abilities, and in addition, crosswords help to expand erudition, increase knowledge about the world, and constantly stimulate a person's thought process. Most people are accustomed to the fact that crosswords are solving words, but there are also Japanese crosswords in which it is necessary to solve numerical combinations in order to get images encrypted in the playing field instead of words.
Step 1
There is a method that allows you to easily and quickly restore a picture of a Japanese crossword puzzle using numbers that show how many groups of black cells are in a given row or column. The numbers also show how many solid black cells there are in each group.
Step 2
If you see numbers 4, 1 and 3 in the grid of the crossword puzzle, this means that there are three groups of black cells in the row - four cells, then one cell, and then three cells. Thus, you have three groups of cells, between which there is at least one empty cell. Your task is to determine the number of empty cells and the location of black cells in a row or column.
Step 3
Start solving the crossword puzzle with completely filled lines - determine which lines and columns have the most black cells. From the completely filled rows, go to those rows in which there are slightly fewer black cells, and empty cells are already present.
Step 4
Combine the given numbers that intersect in horizontal and vertical rows to understand exactly where the empty cells are located, how many should be in a row, and where the filled cells should be located.
Step 5
For convenience, mark open cells with crosses with a pencil. As you gain experience, you will be able to identify them by eye.
Step 6
Paint over the groups of cells in which you are sure, and in accordance with the already painted cells define new groups of cells. picture. Start your Japanese crossword puzzle with simple and small drawings, and then, when you learn how to do it quickly, move on to the harder puzzles.