What Are The Signs To Successfully Pass The Exam

What Are The Signs To Successfully Pass The Exam
What Are The Signs To Successfully Pass The Exam

Exams are the most exciting time for schoolchildren and students. Even in the presence of seemingly sufficient knowledge, experiences torment the soul. At such times, you want to get any support. Folk omens do not guarantee successful exams, but they can calm the student in an amazing way. Do not forget that not a single ritual and not a single omen can replenish the stock of your knowledge.

Signs for exams
Signs for exams

Signs while studying the material

Preparing for the exam is a crucial period during which you can perform several rituals that can attract good luck and the leniency of teachers in your direction. For example, after reading the relevant material, iron the textbook and place it under your pillow overnight. For greater reliability of the method, you can even kiss the source of knowledge.

Many students do a special fortune-telling on the night before the exam. On separate pieces of paper, write the ticket numbers according to the lists of questions. In the morning, without looking at the information, with your eyes closed, select the first sheet that comes across. The question number may coincide with the one that you have to receive in the examination room. For reliability, you can pull out not one, but several options.

The most common signs for attracting good luck on the exam are the use of the "knowledge string" and the record itself. When reading the material, hold a thin string in your hands. Tie a few knots gradually, then turn the string into a bracelet around your right wrist. As you study the material further, periodically rewind the lace. By repeating this procedure on the exam, you will be able to remember the information you need.

A huge number of students practice attracting good luck with a student's record book. It must be opened and sent to the starry sky with the words "Freebie, come!"

Signs before the exam

Before the exam, try not to wash your hair or wear new clothes, and put off house cleaning until a later period. Otherwise, you risk washing away or sweeping away the knowledge that is necessary to pass the session. Cutting your hair or nails, shaving or changing your image is also not recommended.

Going to take the exam, put five rubles in one coin under your right heel. This mascot can influence the teacher's assessment. It is better to choose a wardrobe with which you have only pleasant memories. Clothes should be successful in the truest sense of the word. But it is better not to use other people's accessories. They can attract unnecessary and not too positive energy.

If you passed the first exam with a good grade, try to give preference to the wardrobe in which you were at that moment. Even if in everyday life you are distinguished by frequent changes of outfits, it is better to change your habits during the session.

Signs during the exam

There is an opinion that it is possible to attract good luck during the exam. When pulling out the ticket, make sure that you do it with your left hand only. Bend your left leg slightly. When entering the classroom, try to say hello to the teacher as soon as possible in order to initially take the initiative.

Signs on the way to the exam

Pay attention to your surroundings when taking an exam. If the first person you meet on the street is a man, then this can be regarded as a good sign. A meeting with a pregnant woman can be real luck. Ask her to name any number in the range of suggested tickets. It is likely that the answer will be a kind of hint.