What Are The Strong Conspiracies For Good Luck?

What Are The Strong Conspiracies For Good Luck?
What Are The Strong Conspiracies For Good Luck?

Unfortunately, all people have black stripes in life. During this period, luck completely turns away from a person, and whatever he tries to do, everything comes out "at random". It is believed that this situation can be corrected, including by magical methods. That is, you just need to read some strong conspiracy for good luck.

strong conspiracy for good luck
strong conspiracy for good luck

There are many rituals that attract luck. The most powerful good luck conspiracies, among other things, are usually also the most dangerous. Therefore, such rituals require careful preparation. First of all, anyone who wants to attract good luck should:

  • clean up the room in which it is supposed to pronounce the conspiracy (preferably wet cleaning);
  • take a bath or shower;
  • put on the simplest clothes without zippers, buttons, belts or any accessories.

It is imperative to follow these rules. Otherwise, a good luck conspiracy at home will not work at best, and at worst it will cause some trouble.

A ceremony that attracts luck should be performed only on the growing moon. Moreover, it is believed that conspiracies of this type act only when they are pronounced personally for themselves. For relatives or friends, you can also magically attract good luck. But in this case, one should not count on too clear and good results.

A strong conspiracy for good luck: weaving fate

For this ritual, you will need a skein of thick thread. For example, floss or fine wool work well. The color of the thread should be chosen depending on which area of your life you want to attract good luck. It is believed, for example, that:

  • red threads attract successful romantic relationships;
  • greens make a person more lucky in business;
  • yellow ones are responsible for health;
  • blue ones allow you to fulfill your most cherished desires.

If desired, for the ritual, you can take threads of all four colors, two, three or one. It all depends on what specific result you want to achieve. The rite of attracting good luck in this case will look like this:

  • cover the table with a white cloth;
  • spread the prepared threads on it;
  • put a candle next to it and light it;
  • turn off the light.

Next, you need to sit down at the table and begin to slowly weave a regular pigtail from the selected threads. When performing this procedure, the following conspiracy should be pronounced: “I sit at the table, I look at myself. And luck is coming, happiness-money brings me . You can pronounce these words both aloud and silently. Candles are not looked at in this ritual. Direct your gaze straight ahead - into the void.

The braid should be finished when its length becomes sufficient to make a "bracelet" out of it for the hand. After the "magic" decoration is made and put on, the candle should be extinguished.

Conspiracy that subdues the spirits of fire

This is a very powerful conspiracy that can bring luck into life almost instantly. In this case, only the candle itself is needed to carry out the ritual. Its color is chosen according to the same principle as in the first rite. If you need to attract good luck in all areas, you should take either a multi-colored or just a white candle. For the ritual:

  • put a candle on the table and put matches next to it;
  • turn off the light and sit down at the table;
  • light a candle.

Then, in a whisper, utter such a strong conspiracy for good luck: "As the fire of a candle trembles, so my happiness hurries to me." Instead of the word "happiness", you can use the words "prosperity", "health", "love" at will and depending on the color of the candle. When pronouncing words, you need to look at the candle fire without looking up from it. There is no need to extinguish the candle immediately after the end of the ritual. It should burn out to the end. Until this moment, you can just sit quietly in the same room where the conspiracy was pronounced, or else - go out somewhere. The main thing is not to turn on the light in the room.
