Rose oil is a real elixir of youth for the skin, as it has miraculous cosmetic properties. This product perfectly smoothes the skin, nourishes it, makes it more elastic, firm and soft.

There are many methods for making rose oil at home, below are the simplest options.
Recipe one
You will need:
- four glasses of rose petals;
- 300 ml of unrefined olive oil;
- a jar with a lid.
It is necessary to place two glasses of rose petals in a jar (only fresh petals are suitable), fill them with oil, close the jar with a lid and put it in a cool dark place for two weeks. Over time, you need to strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth. Put again two glasses of roses (fresh) in a clean jar and fill them with the strained mixture. Close the jar with a lid, put in a cool dark place for five to seven days, then strain. The rose oil is ready. It is better to store it in a dark glass container.
Second recipe
You will need:
- 300 g of granulated sugar;
- three glasses of roses;
- a liter jar with a lid.
It is necessary to pour 150 g of sand into the jar, then place the rose petals tightly on it (you need to press it carefully), then pour another 150 g of sand on top of them, close the jar with a lid and remove it in a dark place for at least three months. Over time, a rather thick mass forms in the jar, it must be filtered through cheesecloth. The resulting mixture is rose oil.
If you decide to make rose oil at home, remember that only fresh petals are suitable for its preparation, moreover, collected from roses that bloomed two or three days ago. It is these petals that have the most pronounced odor and a high concentration of essential oil.