One of the most important activities at school, which all schoolchildren look forward to, is the disco. Primary school students really want the time to come faster when they will be allowed to visit the school disco. But how to dance and what to do in order not to look stupid?

Step 1
The main thing is not to be afraid. If you are coming for the first time and you are frightened by a huge number of high school students and teachers who are watching everything that happens, then just do not pay attention. Almost everyone has been in the same situation at one time or another. Even though teachers usually look after all the students, no one will watch you separately, unless you begin to attract attention to yourself. And in order not to attract attention, you just need to behave culturally.
Step 2
If you think that everyone who goes to the disco knows how to dance and does it well, then you are wrong. The bulk of the students have never been involved in any kind of dance, and many do not even like to dance. Then why does everyone go to the school disco? To have fun and release all the accumulated negative energy. And they release it, dancing what they want, repeating light movements, and also singing songs (or even shouting). Of course, those who are professionally involved in dancing make complex movements that are not easy to repeat. But many simply stamp their feet, wave their hands and move their bodies, in a word, they perform the simplest movements that raise their spirits. And if a large number of people repeat them, then this not only brings joy, but also brings them closer.
Step 3
Sometimes girls and boys are afraid to dance the slow dance that often happens in a disco. Those who are bolder rarely think about it, so you shouldn't be afraid either. There are no complicated movements in slow dance, the main thing is not to rush. That's why it is slow.
Step 4
And never stand on the sidelines or in the corner. If you come to have fun, then have fun. More attention will be paid to people who are sadly standing and watching everything that happens. Better get a bunch of good friends and rock it all together. And don't think about how you dance. Throw out all unnecessary energy and bad thoughts. Just enjoy the disco.