Along with all hobbies and passions, music and dance go along with a person along the path of life. There are a lot of musical directions, and any dancer is able to choose rhythms for himself. Despite the fact that many areas of music have already gone out of fashion and are only of interest to a circle of amateurs, disco, which appeared in the 70s of the last century, pleases not only the older generation, but also modern youth to this day. Learning to dance disco is quite simple and easy, there would be a desire.

Step 1
You can dance disco absolutely anywhere - both at home and at the disco, to absolutely different melodies - from the slowest to the fastest. It is enough just to know a few rules of this wonderful dance.
Step 2
Disco dance requires not only movement, but also other attributes, such as a fashionable high hairstyle of that time, comfortable, bright, defiant, shiny clothes with long collars set aside, multi-colored lamps and mirror balls - in general, everything that glitters and emphasizes brightness and chic.
Step 3
Get a feel for the rhythm of the music you put on or play in the club. Place your feet together, press your elbows to the waist and sway back and forth.
Step 4
Lower your arms little by little to your hips and raise again to the belt, without ceasing to sway on your legs, as if squatting a little.
Step 5
Make small turns to the right and left as you dance to the rhythm of the music. Take your right leg to the side and put your left to it. Then repeat the same movement in the other direction on the left leg. In this case, the knees of the legs should bend a little, as if you are sitting down. Hands should work in rhythm with the legs (left, right), moving forward in turn.
Step 6
Take your right leg back a little, then your left. Do it as if you are running slowly in place.
Overlap each other, first with the right in front of the left, with the left behind and vice versa, thus dancing in a circular motion in place. The knees should bend slightly.
Step 7
Repeat all movements several times throughout the dance. Add your own elements by improvising and coming up with movements on the go. Remember, there is no definite scheme for disco dancing, you just need to create and dance.