How To Drink And Not Get Drunk

How To Drink And Not Get Drunk
How To Drink And Not Get Drunk

In order to be able to attend numerous holidays, implying a feast with abundant libations, and at the same time not feel uncomfortable, it is worth remembering a few simple recommendations that will allow you to drink and not get drunk at the same time.

How to drink and not get drunk
How to drink and not get drunk

The simplest and most effective recommendation is an ancient truth, known since antiquity: in order not to get drunk, alcohol should be drunk in large doses, swallowing quickly and not holding it in the mouth. The fact is that the oral mucosa is incredibly fast and fully capable of assimilating many active substances - for example, certain types of drugs or alcohol. Ethyl alcohol is very well absorbed if a person holds an alcoholic drink in his mouth and at the same time drinks it in small doses. Especially quickly in this case, a carbonated or slightly warmed drink intoxicates.

In addition, you can try to drink 5-6 tablets of ordinary activated carbon before drinking alcohol, since this substance is an excellent sorbent and will "take over" part of the alcohol you drink. When drinking alcohol, try to eat plenty of fatty, oily or acidic foods. In this case, sandwiches with butter, lard, salted zucchini or cucumbers, and lemon become an ideal snack. In addition, in order not to get drunk, you should often go out into the air or well ventilate the room in which you are.

The bad habit of mixing certain types of drinks contributes to intoxication. The fastest intoxicating effect is provided by a mixture of wines and spirits, ports and dry wines, as well as cognac or vodka with beer. Do not mix red and white wines. If you drink hard liquor (gin, vodka, cognac, or whiskey), do not wash it down with carbonated drinks such as tonic or lemonade. This mixture will not work very well on your body very quickly.
