Pregnancy is that period in a woman's life when she becomes energetically unstable. A new life is forming and developing inside her, so it is undesirable for pregnant women to go to the cemetery and attend the funeral, even of the closest person. So what are the dangers of visiting cemeteries during pregnancy.

Is it possible for pregnant women to attend a funeral
It is advisable, of course, not to attend mournful events during pregnancy, especially since during this period the woman's psyche changes and a non-standard situation may occur, and even the expectant mother may feel bad. Negative emotions during pregnancy are highly undesirable. Of course, no one is immune from the fact that misfortune may occur during the pregnancy of one of the family members. Sometimes being present at a funeral is essential.
If a pregnant woman is present at the funeral, then she must not be allowed into the cemetery. In no case should she take part in the funeral procession. Her body is already weakened due to the piled grief, and her presence at the funeral from beginning to end can cause irreparable harm to the health of an unborn baby.
So pregnant women should not go to funerals, only in the event of a completely desperate situation, when a very close and dear person dies.
Why pregnant women shouldn't go to the cemetery
In general, you cannot go to cemeteries for the sake of idle interest. This is a place that has a powerful dead energy, and it is everywhere: on fences, trees, benches. A pregnant woman is more susceptible to the negative influence of dead energy than others. She becomes an easy prey for entities from the subtle worlds that live in abundance in cemeteries.
There is one more point that cannot be disregarded either. Today there are a lot of home-grown sorcerers, wizards and magicians. They simply go to churchyards in droves, performing magical rituals, the meaning and meaning of which they often do not know. As wild as it sounds, some of them literally "live" in cemeteries, looking out for easy prey. Pregnant women are a real godsend for such people. It is much easier for a pregnant woman to pass on someone's disease or "take" her unborn child from her and relocate it to some client suffering from infertility. Of course, such manipulations do not always lead to the desired result, but they can harm a pregnant woman.
During pregnancy, it is advisable to recharge only with good energy, and visiting cemeteries does not contribute to this in any way.