The cemetery is associated with death, despair, solitude and loneliness. It is unlikely that this place, having dreamed in a dream, will cause positive emotions. But such a dream does not always bode well for something unpleasant and scary.

During the interpretation of a dream with a churchyard, all the details must be taken into account. First of all, you need to remember your emotions. If this is sadness, fear and hopelessness, then in life a person cannot get rid of the burden of past grievances and losses, he is tormented by remorse and memories. This means that you need to finally cope with this problem: understand yourself, ask for forgiveness and make peace with the people who have been offended. This is the only way to get rid of emotional stress and tune in to the present and future.
If the cemetery is dreamed of before the wedding, then most likely the marriage will not succeed: life with the chosen one will be unhappy, you will have to constantly fight poverty and experience sorrows. And if the churchyard is abandoned, and the one who sees the dream walks around it alone, a rich life awaits him, in which there will be many joyful events, but it will not be possible to avoid hardships. A clean and well-groomed cemetery - to the news that a loved one has coped with a serious illness.
Walking and reading the inscriptions on the tombstones means making new and loyal friends who will support you in any difficult situations. And if you had to come to the churchyard with a company, you need to prepare for troubles and blows of fate. When interpreting a dream, it is important to remember about the nature around. If a person finds himself in a cemetery in spring or summer, happiness and great achievements await him in life, and if in winter or autumn, he will have to prepare for loneliness.