A dream in which a person ends up in a cemetery or near a churchyard can be puzzling and even frightening. However, dream books claim that a dream cemetery is not always a bad sign. What do the graves, crosses and fences seen in a dream mean?

If you dreamed of walking through the cemetery alone, this promises the dreamer a long life. It is likely that he will outlive relatives, many friends and acquaintances. However, his old age will not be bright. The dreamer runs the risk of spending the last years of his life alone and gray boredom. If, during a walk between the graves, the dreamer is seized with panic, he realizes that he does not know how to get out of the territory of the churchyard, this portends the loss of friends, a break in relations with loved ones.
Finding yourself in a dream in a cemetery that is swept by snow is a rather auspicious sign. In life, the situation with money will improve, unexpected profits are likely. To find yourself among the graves in the rain is to get rid of all that is superfluous. The dreamer should prepare for drastic and rapid changes. They may seem negative at first, but ultimately lead to success and prosperity. Dream Interpretations say: if a person walks in a fog-shrouded churchyard, in reality he will make erroneous decisions. Numerous doubts and difficulties are likely.
When in night vision a person meets a stranger among the crosses and tombstones, this promises him a tempting, but risky offer. If the dreamer does not give up on him, then in the near future he will be able to improve his financial situation.
If in a dream a person sees himself standing near a new, but empty grave, he needs to prepare for bad news. To fall asleep in a freshly dug grave - to parting with a loved one, to problems in the family. Putting flowers on a fresh grave without a tombstone or a cross will improve your well-being. Reading names or dates on tombstones is a sign of illness, sorrow and minor unpleasant troubles.
An unfavorable sign is considered a cemetery in a dream, dreamed of by a girl (woman) before a wedding or wedding. Such a dream is a warning that her chosen one is at risk of facing serious trials in life, which may even turn into unexpected death.
Going outside the cemetery gates after parting with a passion is a favorable change. It is likely that soon the dreamer will meet a person with whom an easy and pleasant relationship will develop.
If the dreamer sees himself and his loved one in the cemetery, dream books claim that such a dream promises parting.
A long walk through an unkempt and old cemetery should alert the dreamer. Such night vision warns of financial loss, poverty and dire need.
When a sick person dreams of fresh and well-groomed graves flooded with sunlight, it means that he will soon recover. It will turn out to overcome the ailment, the state of health will rapidly improve. Soon the dreamer will feel a surge of new strength.
If in a dream a person who comes to an active cemetery picks up a shovel and starts digging a hole, this is explained by dream books as a warning that many liars, envious people and enemies have gathered around the dreamer. There is a risk of getting into a very unpleasant situation that “tarnishes” your reputation. Someone from the inner circle diligently spreads gossip and rumors about the dreamer, they will undermine his authority.
Walking through the green churchyard, where among the graves there are many young trees and flowers, is the fulfillment of cherished desires. The dreamer needs to stop worrying about his future, since all his plans will soon come true.