Argentine tango attracts a lot of people because it has many advantages. In particular, people of any age and with any physical training can learn it, and besides, dance can significantly improve both relationships with loved ones and a person's character and appearance. However, there are some illusions that lead people to practice Argentine tango and then lead to disappointment. That is why it is very important to get rid of them even before the start of classes.

One of the most common myths says that it is enough to take just a few lessons, work on yourself for a week, and you can turn into a dance star. In fact, even a good Argentine tango teacher cannot very quickly turn you into an amazing dancer or dancer. Of course, you will achieve some results, learn simple movements, understand how to properly hug your partner and even notice the beneficial effects of Argentine tango on your life, but do not think that in a week or two you will be able to dance just like experienced teachers or stars. world class. In the modern world, many people are focused on a quick result, but in this case it is better to learn how to enjoy the process.
The second illusion is in some way related to the first. Don't expect to get it right the first time. People tend to make mistakes, and not everyone can easily learn something new. Moreover, it happens that some movements are easy, while others have serious difficulties. At the same time, unfortunately, many people begin to blame the partner or partner for the problems. Be confident in yourself, but at the same time be tolerant of others and your mistakes. If you are used to doing everything flawlessly, get rid of the illusion that you can do it with Argentine tango too, moreover, the first time.
Often, people who decide to learn Argentine tango hear from others that for this they need to have an impeccable ear for music, otherwise it will be too difficult to dance and improvise correctly without making mistakes. In fact, a sense of rhythm is much more important. Even if you don't have a perfect ear for music, you can still dance beautifully.
Another important point should be noted right away: although tango is not in vain called sex in dance, you should not think that thanks to it you can easily have an affair or seduce a member of the opposite sex. Of course, trainings will help you build relationships with your significant other, become more attractive and learn to find a common language with others more easily, but this does not mean that you can immediately find a new love. In addition, it is important to get rid of one more illusion: it is more pleasant to dance not with beautiful, but with experienced partners. They will be able to teach you much more, and thanks to them you will be able to enjoy the dance.