Everyone wants to believe in miracles. Especially when it comes to love. However, everything does not always go smoothly. Sometimes the object of adoration does not reciprocate. Then some decide to take a desperate step - to bewitch him. How effective is it? Is it really so possible to fall in love with a person?

Types of love spells
To begin with, one of the myths should be debunked, which claims that a love spell is exclusively the business of black magicians. In fact, there are two types of love spells - black and white. The difference between them is quite significant.
As a rule, a white love spell is used to enhance the already existing sympathy, to consolidate feelings. During the magic ritual, an installation is made on the absence of betrayal and the elimination of cravings for potential rivals or rivals. Most often, this type of love spell is applicable to adjust existing relationships, to eliminate conflicts and disagreements between lovers.
It is also permissible to use it if your partner is not entirely sure whether he wants to maintain this relationship or cannot decide to develop it. On the other hand, judging by the estimates of magicians, a white love spell can be done if you have love at a distance and want to be together as quickly as possible.
The main rule of the white love spell is - do not harm.
This is probably why this type of love spells has much more positive feedback, since no one is harmed.
The black love spell is used to attract absolutely any person with the help of a strong attachment of a sexual nature. Most often, a black love spell is resorted to when there is no reaction from the object of adoration.
The potential victim is usually a family man who is quite happy with his marriage.
A black love spell is nothing more than an egoistic whim of a customer who dreams of getting the object of desire at any cost. He has a destructive power that will affect all participants in the process. So, the customer himself can be imposed a "generic curse" or "a crown of celibacy."
Exceptions to the rule
Black magicians are unlikely to undertake to charm a person who is married to his wife in the Orthodox Church, or who has received a blessing in the religion that he professes. Also, not everyone will bewitch a family man who already has a child with his legal wife.
The internal state of the customer is also important. If, for example, a person all his life is under the same roof with an unloved spouse, then, probably, the way out of the situation will not be a love spell, but a divorce of these people.
On the other hand, it should be borne in mind that the love spell does not work for everyone. There are people endowed with a special vital energy or, as sorcerers call it, immunity. They have a special destiny, so higher powers will not allow them to go astray.