Domestic pigeons began to be bred in ancient Egypt, and this hobby has survived to this day. Like any representative of the animal world, who is constantly next to a person, the dove is surrounded by a lot of signs and legends.

Symbols associated with pigeons
Since the time of the writing of the Bible, the dove has been a symbol for the holy spirit, or the soul itself, innocence, peace and quiet. Also, a dove means devoted motherhood and innocence, purity. The dove, carrying an olive branch in its beak, has long been a symbol of peace and new life, hope.
In Japanese culture, pigeons mean longevity and reverence and are dedicated to the god of war Hachiman. However, the dove carrying the sword in its beak signifies the end of the war.
There is often a picture when the newlyweds, leaving the wedding palace, release a couple of pigeons into the air. This tradition is also many years old, and there are many signs associated with it. In this case, you need to make a wish, and if the pigeons quickly gain altitude, immediately flying up, this means that the wish will soon come true. The sign tells you to watch how the pigeons rise into the air and fly further - if they fly together for a long time, and do not fly away immediately to the sides of each other, family life will be long and friendly.
The dove is primarily a symbol of peace and love; lovers are called doves.
If the bride's bird flies first in the released pair, the first-born of the couple will most likely be a girl, but if the groom's pigeon escapes ahead, the heir should be expected. In order not to confuse the birds in such fortune-telling, often their paws are tied with ribbons of different colors. If it was not possible to identify the leader, this may mean that the couple will have twins.
Dove as a universal symbol of peace
Since the time of the history of the Flood, the dove is considered a symbol of peace, because it was he who brought the olive branch to the ark, giving a sign that the flood was over and God was reconciled with people.
There are many legends according to which pigeons bring the situation to a peaceful resolution.
There is an ancient Greek legend that says how a dove built a nest and brought out chicks wearing the helmet of Mars, the patron god of wars. In order not to disturb them, he was forced to abandon another war.
Since the time of the founder of medicine, Hippocrates, bile has been considered the cause of anger and a quarrelsome, spiteful nature. In those days, it was believed that the pigeon did not have a gallbladder.
There was a belief that the witch and the devil can take the guise of any beast, fish, bird and insect, with the exception of only a dove and a lamb.
Symbolizing the indulgent divine inspiration, a white dove appeared on the shoulder of the Prophet Muhammad. In the countries of the East, the dove is a symbol and messenger of God, a sacred bird. Three holy virgins in Islam are designated by three pillars on which white doves sit.