If you are tired of watching videos with kittens or watching Vkontakte news, pay attention to 10 sites where you can not only pass the time, but also learn something new.

Step 1
Fototips is an online photography magazine that has collected a huge number of useful articles on photography and photo editing. This site is useful not only for professional photographers, but also for beginners in this field.
Step 2
Duolingo is a great site for learning any foreign language in a playful way.
Step 3
Fit4brain or, in other words, fitness for the brain. It is very interesting, informative and helps to pass the time.
Step 4
Udemy is a free and paid course from the world's leading experts on any topic. If you specialize well in any field, you can become a teacher yourself.
Step 5
RandStuff is an online generator where you can check how erudite you are, as well as learn random facts that may be useful to you in life. In addition, with the help of this site you can find wise quotes from great people.
Step 6
Gramota. This site allows you to gain knowledge of the Russian language. It contains a spell checker, useful reference books and dictionaries. You also have the opportunity to ask questions to specialists in the field of the Russian language.
Step 7
4brain is a free online course in speed reading, creative thinking, leadership, and counting. The site provides an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.
Step 8
Povarenok. This resource is able to compile a list of dishes that you can cook right now. To do this, simply enter the list of products that you have on the site.
Step 9
"Matrix of ideas". The site was developed by the studio of Artemy Lebedev, it is intended for designers, but will be of interest to all people.
Step 10
Bookcrossing. If you get bored of spending time on the Internet on a summer day, then this site will help you to spend time with benefit in the Offline environment.