For practicing in the sports section, you need a good sports bag in which you can wear uniforms, shoes and other items necessary for training. A backpack for these purposes is most convenient - it is roomy enough, and in addition, it allows you to maintain good posture, while your hands remain free. It should be borne in mind that sports backpacks have not gone out of fashion for several decades.

It is necessary
- - water-repellent fabric:
- - 2 zippers;
- - parachute line;
- - 2 plastic buckles for shoulder straps;
- - 2 buckles for the valve;
- - synthetic steering wheel;
- - paper for patterns;
- - pencil;
- - ruler;
- - sewing accessories.
Step 1
Decide on the size of your backpack. It does not have to be very large, because you are not going to go on a multi-day hike with it. You can make a pattern for a small sports backpack yourself.
Step 2
Comfortable backpack with one vertical seam. To build a pattern, draw a line parallel to the left edge on a piece of graph paper. Set aside the height of the backpack on it. Add up the width and thickness of the backpack, multiply this measurement by 2. Set aside the result from the bottom point to the right. Draw a rectangle. Mark where the sidewalls, back and front walls will be. For the bottom, draw a rectangle with sides equal to the width and thickness of the backpack. Make a template for the valve. Its width is equal to the width of the backpack, and its length can be arbitrary, but not less than the length of the bottom. Come up with pockets. Better if they are square with valves. Draw them on graph paper.
Step 3
For a sports backpack, calendered nylon or lavsan are suitable. They do not get wet and have sufficient strength at a low weight. Cut out 1 detail of the side surface, pockets, valves. The bottom and the valve are best made double. Leave 1 cm allowances for all cuts of all parts. It is best to cut calendered fabrics with a soldering iron.
Step 4
On the workpiece of the side surface, mark the places for the pockets. Process the pockets yourself - very carefully iron the seam allowances on the seamy side using a cardboard template. Hem the top edges. Pockets can be made with zippers or buttons. In the first case, baste the zipper to the edge of the pocket and to the side of the backpack and stitch it on, and only then sew on the pocket itself. To make a button fastener, you need a special press. The buttons can be inserted after the backpack is assembled. Treat the flaps in the same way as the pockets and stitch.
Step 5
Cut 2 pieces from the parachute line, the length of which would be 2 times the length of the backpack. Fold the pieces in half by threading the tab buckles into the ears. Sweep the loose edges together and baste parallel to the front of the backpack for about half the length. Stitch on the stripes.
Step 6
Cut out strips for the shoulder straps. Their length is established empirically. Baste the middle of the stripes vertically towards the back of the backpack. They should be parallel. Stitch the shoulder straps securely (double stitching is best at each seam). Sew the halves of the detachable buckles to the upper ends. The second halves are simply put on the free ends of the straps. This is necessary so that you can adjust the length.
Step 7
Sew the upper edge of the backpack by folding it twice - by 0, 5 and 3 cm. Insert the eyelets into the hem. Sew a side seam.
Step 8
Sew the bottom and valve parts in pairs, aligning the blanks with the wrong sides. Baste the bottom to the sidewall by inserting a roll between the parts. Stitch the bottom and side.
Step 9
Prepare the valve. On its outer part, starting from the line along which the flap will be stitched to the back wall of the backpack, scribble 2 pieces of a sling. Leave the ends free, the halves of the buckles on them can be put on after the backpack is ready. Sew the flap to the back wall about 5 cm from the top edge. Thread the cord through the holes in the eyelets. Fasten the buckles. The backpack is ready.