The carp is one of the most honorable trophies for any angler. Catching a carp is always accompanied by a powerful adrenaline rush, since the fight against a fish caught on the hook can be long and extremely stubborn.

Even the most skilled fisherman does not always emerge victorious in a battle with such a river "monster" as a carp. This fish is very cunning and cautious, and once it is hooked, it is capable of offering powerful resistance. The main weapon of the carp is its instantaneous reaction to a hook and an instant dash under driftwood, to great depths or to any other place in the reservoir, where you can not only hide, but also deprive the angler of all his tackle.
Catching a carp is special and exciting, it's like a fight with an opponent of equal strength: either you are his, or he is you. Perhaps the most important factor in fishing for this carp is luck, but a lot also depends on the tackle. If it is impossible to control luck, then with tackle it is easier - you just need to choose the most suitable and reliable one.
Fly fishing rod
A fly rod is the best option for carp fishing, this traditional fishing device is ideal for catching carp in hard-to-reach places of the reservoir. The fly rod is quite popular among fishermen, since it can be thrown in places where underwater snags accumulate, and among bushes, and through windows formed in thickets of algae.
For catching carp, a swing rod should be used appropriate - powerful and capable of withstanding a heavy load. The length of the rod should be four to five meters. In general, it is quite possible to use a rod intended for fishing large carp.
Complete with a strong swing rod, you must have the appropriate tackle: fishing line - 0, 5-0, 7 mm; leash 50-60 cm long; special hooks (better hardened) No. 6-4. You can choose the right float for the carp tackle at your discretion, but it is still better to give preference to a light float that reacts even to the weakest bite.
Donka for carp
Donka or zakidushka is another traditional and popular fishing device that is suitable for catching carp in stagnant water and in current. This simple tackle is a piece of strong fishing line (it is better to use a line of 0.8-1.0 mm) with a sliding sinker, the weight of which must be at least 60 g.
When installing the bottom tackle, a leash with a length of 40-50 cm must be attached to the main line. The hook attached to the leash, as in the case of a swing rod, must be used very durable - better hardened, with three times chemical sharpening. The size of the hook for bottom carp fishing should be # 2.
In order to securely fix the bottom tackle on the shore, it is better to tie it to a tree or to a specially hammered peg. A special fishing bell can be used as a bite alarm.