Artistic Composition: A Theory For Graphic Designers

Artistic Composition: A Theory For Graphic Designers
Artistic Composition: A Theory For Graphic Designers

Composition is something that an artist and graphic designer will have to deal with throughout their entire creative career, because composition is at the heart of everything: logos, packaging, posters, advertisements, websites, 3D modeling, animation, animation (and it is still far not the entire list). What can I say, without composition, there would be no graphic design itself!

Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky

Definition of composition

Composition is the result of combining artistic elements into a single whole, in which the ideological content is most clearly revealed, which can be aesthetic or / and functional. Composition is built on the subordination of all less significant elements of construction with the main plot and thematic center.

Artistic elements of the composition

They can act as elements of the composition. Especially well the relationship between these elements can be traced in the paintings of abstractionists.

I would like to separately highlight Wassily Kandinsky, since often the elements in his compositions are simple to primitive - this is why he will be remarkable for an artist and graphic designer of any skill level. Wassily Kandinsky takes it, complicating it only with local or multicomponent (complex) spots, but at the same time the whole "uncomplicatedness" of the picture is preserved. It is thanks to this construction of the composition that the structural relationships between the elements can be clearly traced:

Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky

How is the "single whole" formed?

The main tasks of compositional construction is to create a harmonious, artistic and expressive image and ensure the integrity and unity of the overall solution. It, in turn, is created due to compositional laws and the laws of composition.

Compositional patterns include:

  • Rhythm
  • Symmetry and Asymmetry
  • Contrast and nuance
  • Proportions and harmony
  • Modularity

The basic laws of composition in graphic design:

  1. The law of unity (integrity) is the unification of the elements of the composition into one whole, they must "fit" each other, oh.
  2. Equilibrium law - each regardless of whether it is symmetrical or asymmetric. That is, the location of the elements should not cause doubts and the desire to move them somewhere. The law of balance is directly related to the law of unity.
  3. The law of hierarchy (subordination) is the arrangement of elements according to the degree of importance, resulting from the need to observe compositional unity (for example, subordination to the compositional center). This law assumes that there must be a dominant in the composition, which is. The main element draws the viewer's attention to itself, the role of the secondary ones is to set off or highlight the dominant and direct the viewer's gaze when viewing.
  4. The law of imagery - presupposes their thematic and ideological.
  5. The law of novelty presupposes, in time, the originality of the artistic image and the correspondence of the compositional means to the ideological concept.
