It is very difficult to see a live, real lizard without frightening off, and even more so to draw for the first time "from nature". As soon as the lizard senses footsteps, it immediately dives into the grass or under a stone. But there are still ways to portray a nimble reptile.

It is necessary
- Paper
- Colour pencils
Step 1
First, you need to carefully study the photo of the lizard. Note that the lizard has a strongly elongated oval body, a dark, seemingly stripe or ridge runs along the ridge itself, that the lizard's abdomen is lighter than the back, and the head is very reminiscent of a snake. Paws with five toes, a full-length tail of a reptile.
Step 2
Draw a small oval for the head. Then add an oval narrower and more authentic, as if in order to draw a snake, and finish the sketch with an outline of the tail, which, as mentioned earlier, should be equal in proportion to the length of the body. Pay attention that the oval of the body is not simple, but slightly curved, and the tail should be pointed and can also be curved as you like.
Step 3
Draw legs to the body. Mark the location of the fingers on them. Here you need to be more careful and also carefully look at the proportions - the legs of the lizard are located approximately along the edges of the body. Draw a small goiter between the head and body. At the moment of danger, the lizard inflates it, at certain turns, on the contrary, it is almost invisible. At this stage, you need to carefully compare the sketch with the reference photograph in order to correctly convey the character of the animal.
Step 4
Draw the ridge and abdomen - first slightly outlining the contours, then strictly along the lateral line bring the resulting pattern to the head. Outline and then draw the eyes. The lizard's eyes, in contrast to the snake ones, are slightly raised above the head and more likely resemble those of a frog. Each eye should be drawn as an oval, divided in half by a clear line. Outline the mouth, make the nostrils on the nose.
Step 5
Draw the legs. Make sure that on the front legs all the toes are looking forward, and on the hind ones one toe is put back. The legs of a lizard are a bit like those of a frog. Mark out folds and bumps in the skin. Arrange the folds and the pattern on the tail in the form of triangles to emphasize its shape and bend. Color the pattern with colored pencils, choosing suitable colors. The lizard is ready!