Singer Varvara is a famous Russian ethno-pop performer, whose work differs from the work of other pop artists. Winner of the title "Honored Artist of Russia". And yet a wonderful wife and mother.

The path to glory
The real name of Varvara is Elena Tutanova, her husband is Susova. She was born in Balashikha. I have been friends with music since childhood. When she was barely four years old, grandfather put little Alena (as her relatives called the future singer) at the accordion and began to play. Noticing his granddaughter's interest in music, discovering her hearing and voice, he took her to a music school. True, the girl did not like it there at first, but in order not to upset her parents, she continued to study. And then she did not even think that in the future she would connect her life with music, because she dreamed of a career as a fashion designer: she had the abilities and data for this. But the lessons at the music school were not in vain. Soon the girl forgot about sewing and became seriously interested in music. After graduating from school, she successfully entered the Gnessin School, after which, having received a red diploma, she continued her studies at GITIS with a degree in musical theater.

And then her creative career began. At first, Elena sang in restaurants, then, having signed a contract, she worked in the United Arab Emirates. Later, the singer thought about the creative pseudonym and. following the advice of Fyodor Bondarchuk, she chose the name of her grandmother - Varvara. Further in her biography was the theater of variety performances under the leadership of Lev Leshchenko, then she became his backing vocalist. But she dreamed of making her own career, dreaming of an intellectual euro-pop genre in which ethno music and pop melodies are organically intertwined.
In 2001, she recorded her first disc "Varvara", the compositions of which were successful. In 2002 she works with the famous Swedish studio Cosmo. It was then that the hit "It's Behind" was born. Glory and victories at various competitions and festivals came to the singer. In the early 2000s, she became a laureate of the Song of the Year competition three times. In 2010 she was awarded the title "Honored Artist of Russia", and a year later - the award "for the creative embodiment of the ideas of friendship between the peoples of Belarus and Russia"
During her solo career, Varvara has recorded six albums and continues to work. She constantly tours across Russia and abroad, starring in music videos. And with all this, she skillfully combines her personal life, taking care of her beloved husband and children.
Favorite man of the singer Barbara
All that is known about the first marriage of the singer Varvara (nee Alena Tutanova) is that it was short-lived. Elena then managed to give birth to a son. And she worked hard to provide it.
The singer found her own family happiness, having married a second time.

Her chosen one was Mikhail Susov, an entrepreneur, first vice president of MTS. Varvara met him during a cruise on the Volga in 1999. They got married a year later. And a year later, they became the happy parents of a little daughter, who was given the name Varvara. In total, the Susov family has four children: the eldest son of Varvara, Yaroslav, two children from Mikhail's first marriage - Vasily and Sergei, and the common daughter Varya, who has already managed to take her first steps as a singer.
The spouse supports his beloved wife in everything, helps her in her creative career. In the field of marriage, the singer became more popular, and her videos appeared on the central channels (earlier she could be seen and heard only on MTV and MuzTV). Mikhail is a business man, he loves order in everything. And Varvara does everything to make the family nest they have built to be comfortable for all family members. It should be noted that she skillfully combines work and housekeeping. Currently, Mikhail and Elena Susovs spend most of their time at their dacha, located 500 km from Moscow. Here they raise chickens and cows, make cheese themselves (Mikhail brought sourdough for it from Switzerland), pick berries, make preparations for the winter, bake bread.
For the sake of family happiness, Varvara, in love with her profession, can change her plans, postpone affairs, postpone concerts.
The success of the singer, the happy moments of her life can be followed by the photos posted on her personal Instagram page, where you can also see pictures of her children.
Children of the singer Barbara
Varvara notes that family and children are her main happiness. For two with her husband, the spouses have four.

All children get along well with each other. Now the sons of Mikhail and Varvara are already adults, one has chosen the profession of a political scientist, two have decided to become economists.
In January 2013, the 22-year-old son of Varvara Yaroslav created his own family. His chosen one was a girl named Sophia, with whom Yaroslav had known since his school years. At the same time, a romance arose among young people, which ended in a wedding. The newlyweds celebrated the festive celebration in a restaurant where their relatives and friends, grandmothers, brothers Sergei and Vasily, sister Varvara, family friend Yuri Grymov, who came with his wife and daughter, and numerous relatives gathered.
Varvara, the youngest daughter of Elena and Mikhail, is trying on the role of a singer.