We pay a lot of attention to numbers and numbers. Even those who do not believe in numerology at all try to avoid 13 rooms in hotels, believe that a lucky ticket on a trolleybus will bring good luck, choose a wedding date with a happy date. The date of birth is also considered magical. After all, nothing interests a person more than the desire to know his destiny.

Step 1
Even in the days of Ancient Babylon, people endowed numbers with special meaning. So, for example, a person whose number is two was considered susceptible, weak, passive. Pythagoras, a famous ancient mathematician, also paid great attention to numerology.
Step 2
In order to find out our fate by date of birth, we need the full date of birth, for example, 2008-25-05.
Step 3
Next, we successively add the numbers of the date of birth, then the month, year. That is: 2 + 5 = 7, 0 + 5 = 5, 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 10.
Step 4
Now you need to add the resulting numbers: 7 + 5 + 10 = 22. The result should be a number that has its own characteristic in numerology.
Step 5
So, we decipher the resulting results:
1 - people whose number is one - good careerists, in the first place they have work. These people make good leaders, as they are natural leaders.
2 are very contact people, the main thing for them is communication. It is a great pleasure for them to be with people, to help them. Two people are quite easy to manipulate, because they are ready to come to the rescue at any time, dropping all their affairs.
3 - talented, funny, sociable, gifted people. The main problem of "triplets" is a superficial attitude to life. They always prefer rest to work, and the saying “An old friend is better than two new ones” is not about them.
4 - in contrast to the "threes" are terrible workaholics. Work will always come first for them, and only then family. People of this number like to obey, to carry out assignments. Their responsibility and ability to work are truly respected.
5 - these people are fickle, they endlessly change their addictions. They are completely devoid of self-organization, so control from the outside will not harm them. Otherwise, the target will disappear without even having time to form.
6 - representatives of this number are calm, balanced, just love to learn. They are able to sacrifice everything for the sake of their family and loved one.
7 - great mystics, they are in constant search of secret knowledge. These are magicians, sorcerers, psychologists. True, they can easily become victims of various kinds of sects.
8 - businessmen to the core. They are excellent financial analysts, marketing specialists. They are lucky in everything related to money. But remember, these people are overly stingy.
9 - spiritual self-improvement - this is their goal. The material world is not for them.
11 - people most protected from outside interference. Very strong, confident in their abilities, they are nevertheless very attached to their loved ones.
22 are those who are destined from above to change our world for the better. They are gurus, teachers of humanity, who can penetrate the essence of things. There are many politicians and religious figures among them.
Step 6
It is quite possible to manage your destiny, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, you just need to want to. Remember this and be victorious.