New Year's Superstitions And Omens

New Year's Superstitions And Omens
New Year's Superstitions And Omens

Video: New Year's Superstitions And Omens

Video: New Year's Superstitions And Omens
Video: POPULAR FUNNY RUSSIAN Omens and Superstitions 2024, October

Everyone knows the saying about how you will celebrate the New Year, so you will live all 12 months. But other superstitions are also associated with this holiday. In order for the year to be successful and financially successful, you need to know a few signs about the festive table, room decoration, clothes, etc.

New Year's superstitions and omens
New Year's superstitions and omens

To attract money, before celebrating the New Year, they buy a new broom, wrap a red ribbon around its handle and put it in a corner with the handle down on the night of January 1. But in order not to suffer from a lack of money next year, before it comes, you will have to pay off all the debts. There is one more sign that will help attract money to the house. On December 31st, put a large denomination in the right pocket of your jacket or jacket; it should not be wrinkled or torn. You cannot change it throughout the year and try to keep it close to you at all times.

Special attention should be paid to the festive table. There should be at least 12 different dishes on it, you should definitely think about an unusual design. And the one in whose glass the last drops from a bottle of champagne fall will be transported for the whole next year.

Pay attention to the weather on New Year's Eve. If it snows, there will be a rich harvest next year. Financial well-being awaits those who see stars in the sky on the night of January 1. And, of course, do not forget that you need to celebrate the New Year in new clothes. This will help attract good luck, money, and happiness.

To appease the brownie, they leave a few slices of bread, a glass of wine and sweets on the kitchen table for him. And an hour before the chimes, church candles are lit in all rooms of the house.

You cannot celebrate the holiday with quarrels - this will lead to misfortune. Even if relatives or friends had a fight, it is imperative to make up before the chimes and ask each other for forgiveness. Frequent quarrels in the family will occur if a lot of dishes are broken during the New Year's celebration.

And in order to avoid hunger and lack of money, on the night of December 31 to January 1, you need to set a rich table and be hospitable. The leftovers of the dishes should not be thrown away, otherwise prosperity and good luck will leave the house.

Many people like the sign that you cannot work on January 1. If you break it and work hard on this day, you will have to work hard all year, and this activity will not bring pleasure.
