Folk Omens And Superstitions: On Which Hand Should You Wear A Watch

Folk Omens And Superstitions: On Which Hand Should You Wear A Watch
Folk Omens And Superstitions: On Which Hand Should You Wear A Watch

Usually the watch is worn on the left hand, and left-handers on the right. It is believed that it is easier to wind the watch with the right hand when it is on the wrist. Keeping track of time is also easier when this accessory is placed on a passive hand.

Folk omens and superstitions: on which hand should you wear a watch
Folk omens and superstitions: on which hand should you wear a watch

Which hand to wear a watch on: the opinion of esotericists

Esotericists believe that the perception of life depends on which hand is more comfortable for you to wear the watch. The left side is associated with the past, and the right - with what will be.

It is believed that when a person constantly looks at his left hand, then he bears the burden of the past. All the time he is experiencing events that have already happened and it is no longer possible to change them. He regrets his imperfect deeds and missed opportunities.

If a person often looks at his right hand, then he lives with hopes for the future and is not burdened by the past. This helps him become more punctual, responsible and active.

If you are uncomfortable, apathetic and constantly remembering the past, then try wearing the watch on your right hand, and your life will change for the better.

Why wear your watch on your right hand: Chinese version

In China, it is believed that very important energy points are located on the wrist of the left hand, which are directly related to a person's well-being. The Cun point is responsible for the work of the heart. This point is where the watch strap would normally be. If you wear the watch on your left hand and constantly irritate the Cun point, it can interfere with the proper functioning of the heart.

Which hand should the watch be worn on: patriotic version

Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin also wears a watch on his right hand, however, he explains this by the fact that it is easier for him that way. If the watch is worn on the left hand, the crown rubs the wrist, and this causes inconvenience. This is a simple explanation given by the President of the Russian Federation.

You can wear a watch on your right hand as a sign of solidarity with the President of Russia.

Which hand should you wear the watch on: the opinion of psychologists

Psychologists believe that depending on which hand a person wears the watch on, it is possible to determine his character. The accessory on the left hand speaks of a person's inner dissatisfaction, his regrets and resentments towards the past. It is difficult for such a person to rebuild and start something new.

The watch on the right hand indicates that its owner is a creative person. Many poets, musicians and artists wore watches on their right hand. People who wear a watch on their right hand are also punctual and not afraid to take responsibility.
